"Hey, you're the younger Styles brother, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah-" Ross answered confused. "Your brother is like soo good in bed." She said, flicking her wrist. Ross gave her a disgusted look. They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds. Ross seemed stunned, she seemed unbothered. Finally she leaned in towards both of us and whispered dramatically, "So, so good." Before turning her heel and leaving.
"Well, he's always been the one to screw around I guess!" I joked, not sure if this was going to get awkward or not.
"Yeah, he's a dog." Ross said with a disgusted tone, not too pleased with being Harry's brother. "Anyway.. I was about to say that the reason I haven't done it with you is because I get too nervous around you. I care about you so much and I'm just so scared to fuck anything up. I always get so shy and insecure with you because, well, I love you so much Selena. I've never met anyone like you. You're so special to me.." he nervously bit his lip, waiting for my response. I looked down at my lap.
"But, Sophie-" Ross interrupted me.
"She never meant anything. I swear Selena I was just drunk off my ass, I barely knew who I was having it with! I know it sounds like a lame excuse but you know I'm the worst liar ever, and I'm telling you, I was barely aware of what I was doing." I sighed. His eyes shone of desperation. I didn't doubt that he was speaking the truth, however it still hurt. I put my hand over his. "Look, Ross. I love you, and I want to be with you- but I need time to think about this. I just want to take a break from all of this and lay my attention on my studies for now." Ross nodded slowly.

"Can we still be friends?" He suggested
shyly. I didn't need to think long before giving him a nod.

He smiled, seemingly understanding, and with a convinced voice said "I'll wait for you." The air felt clear and we were able to carry on talking as normal. I realised how much I had missed our conversations. He really was one of my best friends.

A few days later.

Things had been going great. Me and Ross had been hanging out as friends, having great conversations and doing funny things. Me and Sophie went shopping now and then since she called my wardrobe 'totally wrong.' and replaced it with sexy clothing.

What was going on between me and Harry I had no idea, we hadn't really hung out, I only saw him in corridors at school or at their home when I hang out with Ross. But most importantly I've been focusing on school, wanting to focus on my studies since I've been too distracted from it. I've been feeling so much better.

Remember my application to the theatre? Yeah, it was starting in 5 minutes and I knew I would be too late. I practically ran through the crowded hallways, almost rushing into someone I looked behind myself to look at them, stupid me ran into someone else. I looked up to see who it was-

Oh no.

Harry looked down at me, my belly twisted and I wasn't too sure why. The stare made me feel uneasy,
"Hi." I stared right back at him, how could I not? "Hey." His lips turned into a smile.
"I have to go." I said stressed, unsure what to say, I took fast steps before I felt a hand on my arm, turning me around. "Stop running away. I don't bite." He smirked. I gasped but quickly stopped, "Actually, I'm in a hurry to my first theatre class. So if you don't mind." I turned around only to be turned back again.

"Want to hang out later?"

I groaned, "Perhaps if you let me go! Text me later." I rolled my eyes and left.

"Miss. Gomez! Where do you think you've been? Attending so late to your first class? I might consider crossing your name off the list." An old lady told me, she was dressed in a lot of colour with pink glasses. Maybe if I wouldn't had slammed the doors open and making everybody stare at me she wouldn't had noticed I came too late. Stupid me.

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