The decision

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Annie POV

It's been two weeks since the meeting with my dad. I explained to Mikasa what he offered me and the next day I had Eren trying to fight me for an entire week.

Today is the day Mikasa and I have to go back to the warehouse. I was about to knock on the door but it was suddenly opened by Eren.

"where ever you're taking her, I'm coming with you," he said in a pissed off tone.

"great. A third wheel" I shot back. He seemed even madder after I said that. "well, where's your sister?"

"I'm ready" I heard her yell in the background. I had to hold back a smile. "Eren, what are you doing?"

"I'm coming with you guys. I'm not Letting you go with her alone" Mikasa sighed, clearly not trying to change his.

"fine. But just keep your mouth shut. And don't try attacking anybody"


We walked up to the warehouse and I knocked on the door. It opened a couple of minutes later. Giving the man at the door a salute, we walked inside.

I could see Eren looking around, and then his eyes landed on my dad who stood in the middle of the room again.

"Oh, Annie you brought a friend along. Levi can you escort these two to the board-"

"No, father." I interrupted him. No one ever dared to interrupt him.

"excuse me? How dare you" everyone around us stared in shock.

"if you want to negotiate, you talk to all of us"

He sighed. "alright. Fine, let's go to the board room"

I knew he was mad but I didn't care. It wasn't fair that Mikasa didn't have a say. We walked to the board room, sitting down in the office chairs my dad at the head of the table.

"now let's get down to business," he said with a huff. "have you come up with a conclusion to the offer I made you?"

I looked at Mikasa, she looked at me and nodded her head. I looked at my dad in the eyes.

"yes, we have" I spoke. "the answer to your offer is no". He seemed shocked to hear my response even though I've said it before.

I stood up and walked out the door, Eren and Mikasa tailing close behind me. Once we exited the room I could hear my father yelling in the background, I just tuned him out.

I knew my father was going to punish me but that didn't matter at the moment. I had to get them home safe because I'm sure my father sent out a team to bring us back.

I tried to rush them to move faster but Eren wouldn't listen. Now I was angry.

"Jaeger if you don't move faster then your dead meat. You don't understand what he's capable of ". That seemed to get his attention. Eren let out a huff now running.

I looked at Mikasa and she seemed scared. I never knew Mikasa as the kind of person to show her fear but with everything that's happening it's understandable.


After we were a safe distance from the warehouse I slowed down to a walk. Mikasa came up beside me and held my hand. Since Eren was ahead of us, he didn't know we had stopped running. So he ran all the way back to his house. I laughed to myself.


I walked Mikasa back to her house, giving her a hug goodbye. When I got home Reiner and Bert were sitting in the living room.

"so did you join?" Reiner asked.

"no. I turned his offer down. Only because Mikasa joining to scouts was part of it" I replied. " I'll go and see him tomorrow and make a deal"

"alright. Do you want us to come with you?"

"no. I think it'll be better if I go by myself". Reiner nodded. I headed up to my room and laid down.

I didn't want Mikasa to get involved with his gang, especially if he's in charge. I know since I turned him down today I'm going to get punished but it's all part of my plan to take over his gang. I have to do it. I thought to myself.

The rest of the night Reiner kept bugging me to watch a movie with them. I finally gave in and watched the movie after he had to bug me for an hour. I knew tomorrow wouldn't be easy but it had to be done, I might as well enjoy this moment while it lasted.


I had an amazing idea for the next chapter but it might be sad so prepare yourselves.


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