Halilintar's Bad Day

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Halilintar's Bad Day

A Boboiboy Fanfic from LightDP/LightDP2.

Author Note:

-Boboiboy and all of its related articles belong to their rightful owner. I only own the idea for this fanfic.

-Characters in this fanfic is as follow:

-Characters in this fanfic is as follow:

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Boboiboy Halilintar/Hali: 17 years old.

Boboiboy Taufan: 17 years old.

Boboiboy Gempa/GemGem: 17 years old.

Boboiboy Blaze: 16 years old.

Boboiboy Thorn: 16 years old.

Boboiboy Ice: 15 years old.

Boboiboy Solar: 15 years old,


Chapter 1. Study


It was a cloudy and gloomy Saturday over Rintis Island. Midday was already looking like afternoon as the sky darkens with thick overcast cloud. Once in a while thunder struck, signaling the impending arrival of heavy rain.

Such it was, the day was perfect for doing absolutely nothing productive. Boboiboy Solar, the youngest of the seven twins was in his room, which he shares with his older twin Boboiboy Ice. Solar's head was propped against his hand. His eyes were lazily fixed toward his laptop as he played an offline game. Judging by his facial expression, Solar was bored almost to death.

Meanwhile Solar's older twins, Boboiboy Ice was hugging, almost kissing the thing he loved the most. The Blue, as Ice named him. It was a bolster pillow that Ice carried almost everywhere he goes. From his bed, to the living room, even to a sleepover, The blue always follow Ice faithfully

Down in the living room. Three of the oldest from seven of Boboiboy Twins, whom are Boboiboy Halilintar, Boboiboy Gempa, and Boboiboy Taufan were sitting around a dining table. It was unusual for the three to be this quiet, especially when Taufan is involved. However, for that one day, the three agreed to a temporary cease fire for one very important reason. They were going to face the school final examination on Monday

Halilintar was tense. His eyes were fixed on his text book. His right hand jotted down any important note that he thought is the most probable exam materials.

Gempa on the other hand is a bit more relaxed compared to his older twins that was born by mere minute. He casually read the text book on his right hand while his left hand holds a cup of tea with extended pinky finger just like a bourgeoisie

Messy hair, cold sweat, knotted forehead since this morning. That was best described Taufan's appearance at the moment. The youngest of the first three Boboiboy Twins were struggling with his text book. Apparently, studying, and exam were not his strongest forte. On his right hand was a palm-sized box with cylindrical attachment. He inhaled trough that cylindrical tube before exhaling a thick puff of vapor from his nostrils and mouth. That soon fill the entire room with thick fog smelling like strawberry

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