C.W./ So... Romania

Start from the beginning

"In France." At my sudden call he pulled away from the hug all happiness gone from his eyes.

"France? That's not in Romania." I nodded, "You'll deny the position and come with me right?"

My eyes widened, "Charlie! Not just your dreams matter, I've wanted to this for years now!"

He ran a hand through his fiery red hair, "Wait... is that why you said you wouldn't hold me back?! You are breaking up with me!" He yelled outraged at the idea.

I gaped, "Charlie you're in Romania, I'll be in France. Thousands of miles away from each other, it's for t-."

"The best?! What about me, YN? I love you with  all my heart and you're trying to dump me? How could you?!, I planned our future together!"

My heart ached as he had an emotional break down right in front of me, "Charlie, we both know we can't handle long distance. And we won't have time for each other with our busy schedules. Charlie, I love you just as much but-."

"Get out!" He suddenly yelled startling me.

"Wh-." I stumbled over my words.

Charlie gave me a harsh glare, "Get out of my house, Bones!" I pressed a kiss to his cheek muttering an apology before walking to the back door.

"Truly Charlie, I do love you and I'm sure that won't ever stop."

He didn't meet my eyes as I apparated home grabbing my bags and bidding goodbye to my family before apparating to the train station. With a sigh stepped onto the train and got into a compartment.

Letting the tears flow as the train rolled away.

5 Years Later

I walked into the school as all the students looked over to me as I strutted down the corridors

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I walked into the school as all the students looked over to me as I strutted down the corridors. My hand bag on arm as I walked into Dumbledore's office. This year I was assigned to help McGonagall and Sprout plan the events.

"Mrs. Bones, welcome back." I smiled at his greeting, "Your first order is to meet Mr.Weasley in the forest to check on the dragons."

I simply nodded and exited the office, not failing to see that sparkle in his eyes. Taking the long walk to the Forbidden Forest, I walked closer to the destination as I saw the fiery breath of a dragon.

My eyes widened in amazement as I stared at the dragon. "Beautiful isn't she?" A males voice questioned.

"Most definitely." I turned to look at him and nearly through myself out a window.

His eyes widened as well, "Bones." He greeted awkwardly.

"Weasley." Charlie's eyes scanned me, taking the makeup and the satin dress.

"So I uhh heard that you're doing amazing in the fashion industry."

I nodded with a soft smile, "Yes, actually I have it's been amazing." Charlie nodded softly.

"Oh um, Dumbledore wanted me to make sure that all the dragons were good." I looked down at my heeled feet awkwardly.

Charlie again nodded, "Their great."

"Awesome. Um I'm gon-."

He cut me off, "YN, do you still love me?" I sputtered slightly at how blunt he was about it.

Charlie stared at me waiting for my answer, "I told you, I would never stop loving you."

"Then why'd you leave?"

I cocked my head to the side in confusion, "You told me to-."

"No, not then. The second you left my house, I regretted everything and went to your house. But you had already left." Charlie admits.

I looked to the side, "I had to go, I didn't what to risk seeing you again, honestly. It hurt enough having you kick me out of your house. So I found it bets just leaving."

Charlie sighed scratching the back of his neck, "I'm sorry for trying to make you chose me, over your dreams."

I sighed softly taking his hand, "I'm sorry I didn't chose you, Charlie. Because I'm all honesty it will always be you, but you made me angry and I was to stubborn to go back. Helga!, I was to embarrassed."

He smiled slightly at my words as he pulled me into a kiss. Our lips moved in perfect sync as he pressed his hand against my waist to hold me securely. As we pulled away, I remembered the twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes.

Shaking my head with a laugh Charlie looked at me with a smirk, "YN, want to get married?"

I gasped, "Charlie! I'm 23."

"I wanted your attention but you know what now I have to propose." He smirked softly.

"What?" I asked again.

Charlie shrugged as his smirk grew, "Just know you're mine Mrs.Weasley."


~Loves Quidditch
~came back for Battle of Hogwarts

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