R.W.-D.M./ Listen to Me

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Last Month of 5th YearI giggled softly at something Fred had said as George began to argue with his twin

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Last Month of 5th Year
I giggled softly at something Fred had said as George began to argue with his twin. Lee beside me as we walked through the halls. A surprised gasp escaped my lips as a hand grasped my arm.

Turning to meet my boyfriends, Ron's, eyes I smiled brightly. "Hello Ronn-."

"How could you?!" He questioned angrily as his grip on my arm tightened causing the Twins and Lee to be alarmed.

I winced slightly causing Fred to shove him back, "Ron! Let her go!" Ron's eyes continued to glare at me as I rubbed my arm.

"What did I do?" I asked, my voice so small and frail as Ron rolled his eyes at the innocence of it.

"You're a Death Eater!" Everyone froze in the corridor as Ron's words echoed through the walls.

All eyes turned to me as my breath hitched, "I- Wh-Who told you?!" My eyes began to tear up as George took my arm and lifted the sleeve.

The male in question was surrounded by red scratch marks as I tried so desperately to stop the pain.

"How could you?, You couldn't even tell me.!?" Ron sneered.

I reached out but he shoved his own hand back, "R-Ron please listen to me! Please... let me explain."

"Shove off." He pushed past us as the corridor stared at me in disgust as they began to talk about me and continue on their way..

I turned to the Twins and Lee to find them not there. I looked around in horror as the sleeve on my arm began to burn. At this point the corridor was emptied so I fell to the ground sobbing.

The mark burning into my bones as an hand grasped my shoulder. Meeting Draco Lucius Malfoy's eyes and Blaise Zabini soft eyes. "Are you alright, Carrow?"

I sniffed quietly shaking my head no as Draco pulled me to my feet. "You know, YN, being a Malfoy and Zabini has perks."

"Like what?" I questioned as Draco wipes the tears and fixed my mascara that smeared my cheeks. "Thanks."

"You learn to keep your head held high, no matter the rumors going around or the people who hate you. Now YN, don't you dare look down at your feet, at the table. Look up meet no ones eyes only ours."

"Cause now, we help each other." Blaise finished off as he and Draco rolled their sleeves up revealing their marks. My arms swung around them as I pulled them into a hug.

"They were so disgusted. Even the Twins and Lee left me. A-and Ro-." They cut me off shaking their heads.

Draco tutted quietly, "I don't get why you liked him, anyways. I mean you two could never be, YN you're a hot Ravenclaw and he's a blood traitor."

At his tone of voice, I couldn't help but laugh at. Blaise took my arm and healed the marks I'd made on my skin. A soft smile planted on my lips as they lead me to the Great Hall.

All eyes, aside from the Slytherins looked at me in pure disgust and anger. Draco took my hand causing me to keep my head up. They lead me towards the Slytherin table, where I had been welcomed with open arms.

My gaze stifled to Ron Weasley, who's eyes were on my interlinked hand with Draco. When his eyes met mine, I remembered Draco's words, simply rolling my eyes before turning to the people who would truly care for me.

Maybe Slytherins were the loyal ones after all.

7th Year
My arms were liked with Draco and Pansy, while Blaise and Millicent walked ahead on me. Draco tickled my side making me shrivel with as gasp as I laughed. Throwing myself onto him as he spun me around.

As he set me down to the ground a sudden call of my name had us all stopping. My eyes met the Weasleys, Jordan, Potter and Granger. "YN, want to help us with a prank?" The Twins called in unison.

A scoff escaped my lips as I flipped my hair and began walking with my friends again. "YN!" Granger yelled as they ran towards us.

"Granger!" I mocked as we again stopped. Their faces morphed to confused ones.

"Granger? Since when were we on last name basis." They questioned.

Draco shoved me behind him lightly, "Now you want her? After Weasley exposed her and you three 'her best friends' abandoned her?"

Fred, Lee And George shares looks, "Everyone glared at us two!"

Millicent rolled her hazel green eyes, "And? We get glared at all the time and YN had never been glared at. She needed you to forgive her to listen to her to protect her. And as her best friends you were supposed to."

Pansy nodded, "Yeah! Aren't Gryffindors supposed to be brave and loyal."

"Shut up you pug!" Ginny growls.

I scoffed, "Come on Ginny say it to our faces." I sneered stepping closer hadn't Blaise press a calm hand on my shoulder.

Ron stepped closer to me reaching out his hand, "YN come now, or I'm gonna have to break up with you."

We all burst out laughing as the Gryffindors gave us a confused look. "Weasley, you're hilarious. Our relationship was done, when you told everyone. I'm engaged now."

Their eyes widened as Ron's eyes were clocked in sadness, "To who?"

"Go ahead, Weasley, guess?" His eyes seemed to trail to mine interlinked with Draco's.

It all clicked in his head, the hand holding, the smiles, the scene where Draco placed a necklace around my neck. The him spinning me around.

"Malfoy?! But the wars over, you're not a Death Eater, why do you chose to stay with them?"

"Because unlike you lot, their loyal."  I shrugged softly as I went to leave.

"Who are you?" Ginny questioned, "You're not the same girl who helped me in first year."

"And you, all of you aren't the same people you are only a year ago. We all change at one point, I already did. And I'm happy about it. So if you still want to be my friends, just be happy for me."

Turning on my heels I leaned into Draco's side as we began to walk away from the stunned Gryffindors. With a silent wave of my wand a wedding invitation appeared in their hands.

Draco pressed a kiss to my cheek, fully aware that Ron's eyes had trailed after the pair of us. Even when Blaise and Millicent blocked the back of us.

His eyes stayed on me unable to move as all the regret passed through him. Silently his eyes looked down at the wedding invitation, for the one he loved, marrying another free of will. How could he be so stupid? Why didn't he apologize or try to talk to her?

As she turned the corner his eyes trailed back to her, he watched her smile, a smile indicating just how happy a Malfoy had made her.

-blood traitor

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