part two

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A year after we met, I knew really everything there was to know about Asmodeus. Despite his proper appearance, he truly acts like a child. You would think this being who had so much power- the power to crush anything or anyone- wouldn't be sitting coloring in a coloring book or begging to play Jenga. He did such silly things. I always wondered if they were to make me laugh, though that was rather unlikely because most of his hijinks didn't make me laugh. I can't deny they did make me give a nose-exhale, though.

One time, after a long game of Uno, he wanted to go through a stroll in a garden. The backyard to the manor was huge. Yes, it was quite empty. But Asmodeus was about to change all that.
As we walked through, a wave of his hand created bushes shaped of all different things. He created a hedge maze and hedges shaped like goats. He created blue rose bushes. Ones I haven't seen bloom since. 

Asmodeus waved his hand, conjuring up a flower crown of white roses, which he then gracefully placed upon my head.
"A prince!" He cooed and took a knee as if bowing to an actual prince. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at how silly I felt. He gave himself one, though his was of course blue. After hours of creating this beautiful wonderland, he sat down against a tree stump and beckoned me over.

"Echo! Your crown is falling." He said as he reached forward to fix the adornment. 
"Ah, unfortunate." I joked back, allowing him to fix the falling flowers.
After he was done, I yawned and leaned back against the tree, but was quickly reprimanded. 
"Don't be getting to sleep yet! We haven't celebrated the opening of the garden!"
"Well, how should we celebrate?" I questioned lazily, still leaning on the tree. The warmth of the beating sun beginning to lull me into fatigue. Though, with curiosity, I watched Asmodeus as he conjured a bottle of wine in the fire from his hands.

I wasn't a drinker. Neither was Asmodeus. I wasn't sure where he was going with this, but I sat up rather awkwardly. 
"I've never tried this, but it's supposed to be quite fun! Have you ever had any, Echo?"
"No..." I replied, thinking about how childish Asmodeus acted at times. Was he old enough to be drinking this? Well, he's technically an ageless immortal god. I suppose me telling him not to drink it wouldn't do any good anyway. Oh well. I reached for the bottle to take a long greedy gulp. Asmodeus clapped his hands once and cheered me on as I swallowed. I handed him the bottle as I wiped my mouth and he drank too.

A bottle of wine later, and the rest is foggy. I remember waking inside the manor to sunlight coming through the window. I groggily stumbled out of bed, vomited on the floor, and the next thing I know I was outside once more. It was if the day repeated itself.

I wonder whatever happened to my crown of roses.

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