Chapter Fourteen

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(Okay so I realized halfway through writing this chapter that I had to make sure this story was rated mature. With that said, WARNING. This chapter contains graphic depictions of violence.)

Blazania was hanging by her wrists from a ceiling, unaware of how she had gotten there. Her toe tips were scraping the floor The last thing she remembered was leaving a note on her door. . .no, she hadn't been that stupid, had she? Why had she written a note about her own capture and ransom? What had she done?

Blazania looked up as the door opened, Lucas Nasho entering the dungeon cell. His smile was malicious, a side of him that no one ever saw. It was hot in the dungeon cell and Blazania took in her surroundings. There was a small iron door against the wall and a wooden bucket filled with various iron rods next to it, chains dangling from the stone walls, and of course, her own chains from the low ceiling. Then there was the door out, but that was it.

"I see you've woken up, that's good," Lucas said sweetly, coming up to Blazania. He ran his finger tip down her cheek. His skin was cool to the touch, or at least that's how it felt to Blazania. She was scorching. "Now we can have our fun."

"What do you want with me?" Blazania asked, too petrified to even move. "What am I doing here? Why have you taken me?"

"Tut, tut, you ask too many questions," Lucas said. "I am General Lucas Nasho from the human race and you, well, you are a filthy dragon, aren't you? Now, I've brought you here for a simple reason. Well, two, actually, but I'm not interested in that peasant family's wishes. I want to know everything about you. I've given your kind a month, so that should be enough time for you to tell me everything."

"What-what makes you think I'll tell you anything?" Blazania tried to demand, but her voice quavered with fear.

Lucas just laughed. His laugh was cold and empty, sucking any potential happiness from the air. He was demented. "Why, my dear dragon, by the time I'm through with you, you'll be begging to tell me all that you can."

Terror. That was all that Blazania was feeling. That and-something new came up. A crushing loneliness filled her, filling her with the urge to give up. You're all alone here. No one will come to get you. You might as well give in, give up.

Blazania gasped, tears starting to stream down her face. Why was she thinking those thoughts? No. Her friends would come. They had to! No one is coming. No one cares enough about you.

"What are you doing to me?" Blazania asked, her voice choked up. She was hardly able to stand it-the thoughts, the emotions. It was overtaking her, it was just too much.

Lucas let out another cold laugh. "You appreciate my work? Well, it's not just mine. Lucy, you can come in now!"

A high-pitched, girlish giggle echoed throughout the cell as a petite figure in a black cloak came into the cell. She lowered her hood to reveal sky blue eyes, a freckled face, and light brown hair that was partially braided back. The girl looked no older than fifteen and she had a wild grin on her face.

"Well hello there, you must be our new plaything!" she said with another giggle. Her voice was childish, high-pitched, and far too excited. "I'm Commander Lucy Rhado, but you can just call me Lucy. I'm going to enjoy playing with you."

"This is my associate, Commander Rhado," Lucas informed Blazania. "She ha a wonderful gift that suits my magic quite well. You see, she can make you feel whatever we want you to feel and I can make you think whatever I want you to think. So, really, it won't be long before you're spilling your deepest, darkest secrets. And if that won't work, well, we have other methods of making you talk."

Lucy let out another giggle. "That's right! And we'll have lots of fun with you. We've never had a dragon before, have we? You'll be a great new toy!" Lucy came up to Blazania and booped her nose.

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