Chapter 4 (Final Chapter)

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Lauren/You - Childhood Sweethearts - Chapter 4 (Last Chapter)

A/N: Babies! this is the last chapter and even if I started the fic recently, I am being kind of nostalgic (I can only imagine how much i'm going to cry at the end of TBSE..) Anyway this is a longer chapter than usual and a lot of things are happening here. There is drama, fluff and also things that bring tears to the eyes! I hope you are going to like it.

Waking up the next morning was true hardest thing I ever had to do. Not because I was too tired or something but because it had been so long since I hadn't had such a great night. When my eyes opened my gaze immediately dropped to the girl who was peacefully sleeping her head resting on my chest. Not a single nightmare, not even the shadows of one, just me being in a lovey bubble with the girl I was desperately in love with. I frowned though as she started talking in her sleep.

"If I could, I'd go back to the day I chose my fame over my love." She whispered and I just smiled. The fact that she regretted her choice made me realize that maybe she did love me as much as she said and that mere thought was warming my heart. Maybe after all, she made a mistake by not fighting for us, but she was trying to get forgiven today and with each day that I passed next to her I couldn't help but feel like she was indeed winning me over again. As I was deep in my thoughts I felt her jump when her phone started buzzing loudly on the nightstand. It was still very early as the sun hadn't even rise up and I wondered what it could be. She was still half sleepy when she stumbled to the nightstand unsurely. I couldn't help but let a small chuckle out as she looked inhibited as she walked.

"Hello?" Her voice came out hoarse and raspy causing a shiver to run down my fucking spine. By the paleness on her face and the loud male voice I could hear yelling through the phone I knew something was wrong. I got up and walked to her as she started stuttering.

"I..I didn't do anything... What-What are you talking about?" She asked frightened. As the next words flew out of her interlocutor's mouth her eyes widened and tears started filling her tears. I walked closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder as she ended the call without saying another word. She looked up and meet my gaze, the despair in her eyes breaking my heart. Next thing I knew she had thrown herself in my arms and hugged me tight as she sobbed. 

"Lauren..what's going on?" I asked in a sweet voice but she didn't answer and just kept crying. "Babe..please stop crying." I begged as I hugged her tighter and started to rub her lower back. 

"I...they..." She tried to speak but couldn't form any correct sentence through the sobs.

"'s okay babe. I'm here. Always." I whispered and as if my words were melody to her ears she started to calm down. After a few minutes she looked up and met my eyes. The sudden closeness of our faces caused my breath to hitch. I could feel hers on my lips and if I inched just a little bit closer we would be kissing again. I was about to lean in and finally give in to the temptation telling myself that we could happen again but something as I looked through the window caught my eye. I pulled away from her and started walking closer to it. There were many people gathered in my front street which was really creepy. 

Lauren/You - Childhood Sweethearts - (Mini-Series)Where stories live. Discover now