Chapter Three: Anger and Escaping

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I got home safe but the only thing I needed to do was to pass through the door.

Okay,okay, I  just need to be quiet . I take my shoes to be bare footed so they can't hear me. The lights were on and they were going to see me . I tried to away when I hear...

Where you come from?? Someone exclaimed.


"Hi how are you- bye mom."

"Pryrinia!!! Exclaimed mom."

"Where do you come from?" She asked.

"Fr....fro... from," I said.

"ANSWER ME!!!" She exclaimed.

She was really angry. She raise her hand in the air. I thought she was going to slap me.

"I was in the forest mother,"I said.

She got her hand and slap my face. I feel a heat in all my face. It really hurt I didn't feel my cheeks.

"How could you disobey me, Pryrinia!!!" She screamed.

"Ahhh!! Mom how could you," I exclaimed.

"Yukton!! Come here lazy servant,"she screamed.


"Take her to her room and locked her," she said.

But-No Mom,Mom please don't do this please!! I exclaimed.

Yukton take me to my room and locked me. My heart was broken and my face hurt so much that feel some anger with my mom.

"Ahhhh.....I hate you,I strongly dislike you Mom!!" I exclaimed.

The windows were open and I can use the curtains to go outside and go to the forest. I got a bag and put all the clothes I can. Tomorrow I will escape from my mom but I needed to escape in the afternoon.


"Good morning princess," said the housekeeper.

I wake up take a bath and got dress. I didn't want to see my mother but if I ignore her she will suspect or not. I didn't know what she is going to do. So I open the door and went downstairs. There was my mom with her red striped dress and her happy face. Oh, how could the love I had for her become into anger.

"Good morning darling," she said.

I just ignore her I didn't want to see her and talk with her .

"Darling is there a problem???" She said with a her worried face.

"There's no problem mother" I said with a false smile.

Darling whatever happen yesterday it was not real just forget it.

"Just forget it, Mom I'm not going forget what you did to me that's not another problem we can forget." I exclaimed her.


Stop saying me like that I am not your darling.

.........she stay quiet.

"Okay,okay are not my darling that's what you mean ,that I'm not your mother," she said with anger.

"No Mom, you know what I mean about that," I said.

"Go away!! " She exclaimed

So I went to my mother's room to get some suegs to escape.

Suegs are money for the queens, princes,princess,kings etc. They worth the double value of the other money. It was the afternoon and now I can escape. I got a little bag to put the suegs and another for the some clothes. I got the curtain and  tie it with the bed so that I can go down the window . I need to be careful and hold hard the curtain so that I didn't fall. When going down the curtain start to tear.

"No,no not now, I said.

The curtain rip and I fall.

"Ouch!! It hurt , I screamed.

A servant was coming to see what was that sound. I got below the window. He open the window and start checking around the castle. He go and now I get up,run, and be free.


I was in the Elbbub everybody was just looking at me and turn around. I just want a place yo sleep. I went to a house and I asked if there was some space. They said NO. There was no space so I walk straight to the forest. But while I was walking someone was whispering I turn to see who it was. It was Unity.

"Unity, what are you doing here??"

"Nothing and you wath are you doing here??" She asked.


"Ok, you need to sleep my friend. Here you can get some rest," She said.


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