"Everyone who is willing now would be the time to step forward," I say. I watch in surprise as the entire werewolf pack steps forward.

"Excellent," Klaus says, "Now if you'll please make two orderly lines. One in front of me and one in front of Cordelia, this will all go smoothly." I watch as most of the werewolves gather in front of me, rather than Klaus. He smirks and bites his arm. I do the same and give my blood to the first werewolf. After he drinks it, I snap his neck and catch his body before he hits the ground. I don't have the same hostility that Klaus does, I don't believe you should let a dead body just fall to the ground. Klaus is done before I am and I lay the last body against a tree. "It won't be long before the first one wakes," Klaus says. I hear something in the distance, something I know Klaus doesn't catch.

"I'm going to go back to the car," I tell him, "I want to grab a snack."

"We have one right here," Klaus says, pointing the man.

"I don't want to take our hybrids' only meal," I say, "I won't be gone long." I start to walk towards the direction we came. After I'm sure Klaus can't hear or see me, I switch paths. I head towards the sound and stop between two trees. I look out and see a field with four people walking through it. I can see Damon, Stefan, Alaric, and Elena.

"We have to get out of here before the full moon though," I hear Alaric say, "you two might be able to handle werewolves, but Elena and I can't."

"I'm not leaving until I find her," I hear Damon say.

"Cecily would kill you if she found out that you were out looking for her," Stefan says.

"So what," Damon snaps, "she's been with Klaus for two months, that's long enough."

"I still don't understand why Klaus needs her," Elena says, "he's a hybrid, he doesn't need her."

"He wants her around," Stefan says, "She's his family and the only other hybrid."

"She's my girlfriend," Damon almost hisses, "He can't have her." The four of them walk towards the trees to my right. I step back, but stop when I hear a twig under my foot snap. I slowly look to where the four of them were and meet Stefan's eyes. He's staring at me. I see that the other three have already disappeared into the tree line. Before I know it, Stefan stands in front of me, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Cecily," he asks.

I manage a small smile, "hey Stefan."

He picks me up and spins me in a circle, "oh my god I missed you so much."

I smile, "I know, I missed you too."

"Damon's going to be so happy," Stefan starts.

"Stefan," I interrupt him, "you can't tell him I'm here."

"Why not," Stefan asks his face dropping.

"Tonight's a full moon," I tell him, "I'm going to change and I won't be able to stop it."

"What do you mean," he asks.

"Klaus can control his transformations, but I can't," I say, "I think Elijah's blood took that choice away from me. When Klaus turns, he remembers everything, but I don't. If you four are out here tonight, I could kill you."

"You're not going to," Stefan says.

I shake my head, "the last full moon, I killed a nest of vampires in one sweep." I can see Stefan take the information like a hit. It was true, when I woke up that next morning; Klaus told me that I had wiped out Tallahassee's vampire population.

"Fine," Stefan agrees, "but can I at least tell Damon I saw you?"

"No," I say sternly, "not until Klaus releases me."

"Where is Klaus," Stefan asks.

"Back at the werewolf pack," I say, "we've Turned all of them, we're just waiting for them to wake up."

"That's why you want us to leave," Stefan realizes.

"Yes," I say, "Klaus still thinks Elena died in that sacrifice which means she's safe. As for the new hybrids, they'll want to feed when they wake up and we only have one human."

"I need to get Elena and Alaric out of here," Stefan says.

I nod, "please just get out of here. Snap Damon's spine, knock him out, I don't care, but get him out of here. I'll call both of you tonight if that's what it's going to take. Just get out of these mountains."

Stefan nods and hugs me, "ok, but you promise to call?"

I nod and let him go, "I promise." He smiles and walks back to join the rest of them. I sigh and run back to Klaus's car to grab one of the blood bags. I know I took too long, but I can always say that I was starving. I drain the bag just before I get back to the pack. When I get there, I can see that three of the werewolves are awake. They're sitting on a log, shivering. "How are they doing," I ask Klaus.

He sighs, "Well, they're about half-way through with the Transition. They should start to feel better soon." I hear the groans of more werewolves and look around; all of them are awake now. Suddenly, I hear a whoosh and the woman that was the first to Turn is gone. Klaus sighs, "Will you go get her?" I nod and start to walk after her when I notice something about the other two werewolves.

"Klaus," I say to him as I bend down in front of one of them. I lift his face up and see blood running from both of his eyes. Klaus lifts the other werewolf's head up and see the same thing.

"Something's wrong," Klaus says.

"What did we do wrong," I ask him.

"Nothing," Klaus says, "we fed them our blood and killed them, like a normal vampire. They should be hybrids!"

I sigh, "Feed the others the blood and see what happens." I stand up and walk after the woman. Based on her tracks, I'd say she was heading east. I pause and think for a moment. That's the same direction Damon was headed. I break into a run and look for her. Night starts to fall and the moon is rising. I can feel the energy starting to run through me and I know I don't have much time. I pause for a moment and listen. What I hear is so small, I probably would've missed it if I had kept walking. It almost sounds like a small bomb went off, like the vervain bombs that Alaric carries around. I walk in that direction and then I hear a howl and I know I have to hurry. As I run, I hear the sound of some grunting and I shift my direction slightly. When I finally reach the sound, I see Damon struggling to keep the woman from biting him. I sigh and step in, knowing I had no other choice. I plunge my hand into the woman's back and rip out her heart. She drops the ground and I release her heart. I look up and see Damon. He looks at me with surprise and longing.

"Cecily," he asks me.

I sigh, "Damon." He smiles and starts to walk towards me. At that precise moment, my shoulder jerks back and I immediately know what's happening.

"Damon, you need to run," I say to him. My other shoulder jerks back and I groan in pain.

"What's happening," Damon demands.

"I'm changing," I say, "I don't have a choice. You need to get as far away from me as you can!"

"No," Damon says, "I'm not leaving you."

"You have to," I say, "otherwise me making that deal would've been for nothing. Please, go. I promise you'll see me again." Damon sighs and gives me one last look before he bolts off. I feel my teeth sharpen as I look up to the moon. My spine twists and I fall out of consciousness.

The Vampire Diaries: The Dead RiseWhere stories live. Discover now