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Well now I feel stupid.

But my apple tastes good.

It was for Mr Gosling though.

Not anymore.

I've already bitten into it now.

This isn't my diary, it's my planner.

"Corrine, stop being a bum, you're putting me off my pasta." Whitney frowned, glaring at her untouched jacket potato.

"Damn girl. Pasta and potato? That's two lots of carbs you know." I tutted, taking another bite out of my apple.

"I do what I want." Whitney stated.

"Okay, but don't come begging me to hit the gym with you."

Whitney snorted. "Fine, I'll ask David to come." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Your boyfriend is a skinny little thing." I chuckled, smirking at David who was casually eating his fruit salad whilst talking to Emerson; Woop, they're best friends.

"What?" David asked, pushing his spectacles up his nose.

"Nothing honey, you carry on eating that little boys meal." I laughed.

Emerson looked up and smiled at me. Nope sorry, that wasn't a smile, that was a creepy grin. I raised a brow at him, before turning my attention back towards Whitney.

"Your aunt is going to be teaching me extra maths twice a week, just because I've wasted all my lessons ogling Mr Sex bomb." I frowned.

"My auntie? Oh god, she's so embarrassing! She'll tell you stories about why she's single, and lonely." Whitney rolled her eyes.

"She's also brill at math." I grumbled.

"According to Mr Gosling.." I added quietly.

Whitney shifted herself and looked at me with an amused expression.

"And you believed him?" Whitney put her hand over her mouth in an attempt to mask her laughter.

"Yes, of course, he wouldn't lie, he's my teacher." I stated proudly.

Whitney smirked. "So would you believe him if he told you that he had a ten inch willy?"

All of a sudden my cheeks were flaming, i must've looked like a fire engine.

"Sh, keep your voice down!" I hissed in embarrassment, scanning the lunch hall to make sure nobody heard.

"I love teasing you, you're so easy to wind up." She laughed.

"I actually think I would believe him. He's so amazing Whitney." If emojis were real, my eyes would be like red love hearts.

Whitney glared at me. "You're like a love struck teenager."

"I am." I sighed, taking a final bite out of my apple before tossing it in the bin.

Whenever I thought about Mr Gosling, I would turn into a soppy, besotted little girl. My feelings for him felt unrealistic, but I didn't care. I wanted him, and I wouldn't allow myself to let the reality sink in, that if we ever had some sort of relationship, his career would be over. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was the reason for his unemployment, so for now I better keep my distance until I finish the school year.

Except I couldn't.

"Do you know what days you're getting tutored?" Whitney asked.

"Monday and Wednesday I think."

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