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Using a woollen thread I intangled myself in you.
How so?
I want to walk behind you,
I want to become your shadow.

We are like two carefree droplets in the rain,
Without any worries.
We have separated and met in thoughts ,
But even in thoughts this conversation must go on.

Like a thousand galloping horses my heart beats,
As I try squeeze a word out of my mouth.
With difficulty I manage a word of greeting,
My ignorance of what's to come fills my heart with fear.



The guy leaves his house and goes to school. That morning he approaches her and befriends her. When they are together they are like two carefree people with no worries whatsoever. Time flies when they meet, when they separated after school to their respective homes. They meet each other in their thoughts. Their conversations never stop whether they text each other or just think about each other. They find themselves thinking about the same things. Seeing each other everyday is like a blessing. They can't wait to greet and see each other. And he can only imagine what will come next if this is how it started.

Dedicated to my friend. Both of us wrote it together. Hope you like it.

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