In Which Sam Wakes Up

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Sam woke up slowly, like he was coming out of a dream. His mind was hazy and confused, yet at peace.

The cold pavement under him dragged him away from his subconscious.

He slowly opened his eyes and glanced around him at the orange glow that seemingly came from nowhere, and yet everywhere at the same time. He couldn't quite make out his surroundings but it felt familiar.

He blinked rapidly, clearing away some of the fogginess in his vision. He couldn't remember anything before he woke up and it was starting to make him uneasy.

Sam slowly sat up and took in his surroundings again. His eyes must have adjusted to this new atmosphere because when he looked around again, it was much clearer despite the orange haze.

"Ughhhhh, Sam what did you get yourself into this time?" he muttered under his breath.

Someone chuckled as they approached him. "I don't know but whatever it is, you must have dragged me with you."

Sam closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Bucky.

"Man, out of all the people to get stuck with, of course it had to be you," Sam groaned.

Bucky chuckled again and offered his hand to help Sam up. Sam reluctantly accepted and was on his feet in no time.

Bucky glanced at him for a few seconds, calculating, and finally spoke, "So do you have any idea what we're doing here? Or where here is for that matter?"

Sam quickly scanned his surroundings. "My best guess, some highway or interstate," he replied after a few seconds.

Bucky nodded and chewed at his lip, thinking. "What's the last thing you remember? Because all I got is waking up in Wakanda."

Sam thought for a moment while he ran a hand through his hair. Bucky was watching him intently yet curiously.

"Um, well I was with Steve and Nat on a mission and then Steve got a call that we needed to find Wanda and Vision asap and then...," Sam explained and then groaned again when the memories started flooding in. "Fuck."

Bucky narrowed his eyes. "And then?" he asked, slightly confused and very annoyed.

Sam shook his head and laughed a little. "And then we had to fight some alien dicks before we made it to Wakanda to try and save Vision from getting his mind stone ripped from his head so Thanos could snap away half the people in the universe, but we failed and now we," he said gesturing between them, "don't exist anymore."



"So wait...then where the fuck are we if we don't exist?" Bucky asked losing his cool a bit.

Sam looked around again and sighed. "I don't know. Heaven? Hell probably if you're here," he deadpanned.

Bucky replied, "Real nice. Now I hope we really are in hell. It'd be worth it to watch you suffer."

Sam stuck out his middle finger. "I already am."

They were both silent for a long time until Bucky broke it by saying, "Can we at least try to get along? As far as I can tell, we're the only ones here so unless you wanna stand there and talk to yourself, which by all means go ahead, we might as well get used to each other's company."

Sam sighed and forced a smile. "Yeah, you're right."

They both stood in companionable- only slightly awkward-silence.

Bucky chuckled. "Come here often?"

Sam inhaled sharply. "I won't kill you because 'we're getting along' but I will severely and very painfully harm you. "

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