Part 17

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Ariana's P.O.V.

When the came ended I went to find Cristiano. I couldn't actually believe that I was about to meet him. I believe that this is all a horrible prank. I don't want it!

When I reached the entrance I saw him there. Oh my gosh, I'm about to faint.

When he saw me he smiled at me and I approached him.

"Hi." I said.

"Hola." He answered and hugged me. Okay... what the h*ll?

"How are you?" He asked me afterwards.

"I'm good, you?"

"Me too."

"So, to want to go for dinner?" He continued.

"I'm not dressed appropriately."

"Well, I'll drive you to your hotel so you can get dressed." He suggested.

"It isn't necessary Cristiano." I said shyly.

"Oh yes, believe me. It is!" He chuckled.

At the moment we are dinning in a wonderful restaurant here in Madrid. I have to say that I didn't expect that. He is so kind and gentleman and lovely and handsome and... oh my god I must stop that.

"So, Ariana, tell me about yourself." He said.

"Myself? What do you want to know about me?"

"Everything." He smiled and started talking.

"I had fun, Cristiano, thank you." I said when he stopped in front of my hotel.

"It was nothing, love. So, umm, before you leave I want to ask you something." He told me.


"So I was thinking, I... umm... I had booked tickets for me and... you know... my... ex... and since we broke up... I thought that it would be great to ask you to come with me... you know... for a vacation. So, what are you saying?" He asked nervously.

"I... I seriously don't know Cristiano. I... umm... okay."

"Okay then. See you tomorrow at the airport. We are leaving for the Bahamas." He winked.

"What? Tomorrow?" I freaked out.

"Yeap. Get some rest, love."

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