questions chapter 8

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"may I ask you some questions/ get some answers" you kindly ask

"Hmm, ok but I get to ask you some too, kitten" he coos the word kitten

"ok deal, "you replied "what's your name"

" Fredrick, Fredrick Charles Krueger, but call me Freddy" he replies with a slight bow, " now I get to ask a question, what's your name or do I keep calling you bitch or kitten?"

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/M) (Y/L), that my name," you answer him " now what are you doing in my dreams and my friend's dreams?"

"I am a dream demon, I kill people in there sleep." he replies like its a normal thing for someone to be a dream demon " now, are you a virgin?"

"WHAT?" you almost yell " yes, umm, why"

"no reason," he chuckles, " now time for you to wake up oh yeah, one more thing" he grabs your arm with his non-gloved and yanks you forward, then with the gloved hand uses one blade and drags it down your arm than from the top of that line cuts a line diagonal then repeats this underneath that one then you wake up when he is done.

*real world*

you wake up with burning pain on your arm and you look to see an F carved in your arm, he marked you.

go to chapter 10

You can run but you CANT hide (Freddy Krueger x reader your choice)  Where stories live. Discover now