chapter 4 investagate

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'this sounds kinda weird, if you ask me I need to get behind this.' you think to your self.

you pull out your laptop, and open (Y/F/S/E) and go to google, you decide to start by looking up shared dreams,  then you look up bladed gloves, and so on and so forth, soon enough you find out that there was a man by the name of Frederick Charles Krueger , but you can't find anything more about that, 'a dead end, how strange' you think.

soon enough you find out about a dream suppressant drug,  Hypnocil, still not approved by the FDA.

after hours of research, you end up falling asleep on your laptop.

 ~*Dream world*~

you wake up in a boiler room again.

"Doing research to try and stop me, HUH BITCH!?"

if you say " and what if I was" then go to chapter 6

if you say "n-no then go to chapter 7"

You can run but you CANT hide (Freddy Krueger x reader your choice)  Where stories live. Discover now