Phone on
Jace:I'm outside 😉
Clary: I'm coming 😘
Phone off

I went outside and see him beside the motorcycle. I'm walking to him and help but smile, it's almost like we've done this already.

-Hey. You look beautiful-Jace says.
-Thank you.- I say as I blush- You look good too.
-So, shall we? Where are we going?- He says as he took my hand.
-Well, I thought we could go have dinner. There's a pasta place I used to go with my mom and Simon that's called Rizzos. Its just a couple blocks away.- I say as he guide me to the hope in the bike.
When we were already on our way he says: Hold on thigh.
When he says it, something come almost immediately to my mind:

-You better hold on thigh. This things run of demon energy!- the guy screams while we were at the bike running away from someone. I can't see who it is.
-Doesn't their bikes run of that too?- I ask worried while hugging him so I don't fell.
-Why do you think I picked this one? It's been modified!- Jace says and I can feel he laughs.- Hold thigh!
-Why do you keep saying that?- Before I can finish says this, the bike gets of the ground and started flying.

-Clary, where's the way?- Jace says and gets me out my "dream". Things are getting weird.
-On the next street turn right. It's right in the corner.
    We were silent all the way until we got to Rizzos. He parked the bike and helped me get out of it. We got to the reception of the restaurant and Jace said to then receptionist:
    -Table for two please.
    -Do you have reservation?- The receptionist said. Lucky I remember to do it.
    -Yes, it should be under the name Clary Fray.
    -Follow me please-she said.
    -Lucky someone remembered to do it- Jace says almost with a little laugh.
    -What are you talking about?- I say confused.
    -Oh, sorry. Its just slipped. Just a situation that happened some time ago and that can me back to my mind.- He says and I notice something in his eyes, almost like saying this hurt him.- Cmon, lets get to our table- he said with a smile. A fake one.
    We've made our orders (Jace guessed i would want a burata salad) and we started talking. Just before our orders came, I decided to ask him about something.
    -Jace, yesterday, you said you know how is to lose a parent and don't have anyone. What happened to you?- I noticed his smile immediately disappeared, giving space for a worried face
    -My father was murdered right before I was born and my mom killed herself right after i was born. So i was adopted.I just discovered I was adopted last year. He wasn't the nicest but it was someone that took me in.When I was 10, my adoptive father was murdered and i was adopted again by my godmother that lives in New York, and been with them after that.- He tells me, and i cant help but feel bad for him. He had gone through all this all by himself.
    - Jace, I'm so sorry. But Im glad things turned out okay for you.- I say and I put my hand on his and interlock our fingers. I can't help but feel something when this happens and I knit ice he looks at our hands and gives me a sad smile.
    - Thank you. Ive got lucky, I have great siblings, i had a girlfriend that helped me with this- He says and i was surprised, but why? Am I jealous? Stop clary, do you think a handsome guy like Jace would be single? But why did he accepted to go out with me? I noticed he got a worried look in his eyes, almost as he wasn't supposed to say that.
    -So, you have a girlfriend?- I say, trying not to show the disappointment in my voice.
    -Not anymore. We were together only for 2 months, but she made me realize a lot of things about myself and how i acted.- He said, and i could see how much it hurt him to say it.
    -What happened to you two? If you don't mind me asking
    -You wouldn't believe me if I told you- he said and gave a little laugh- But she had to run away, because she had to, but she didn't wanted too.
    -I'm so sorry about that-That moment our orders came and we started eating and talked about more light stuff.
    We were just getting out of the restaurant when i felt the right side of my neck hurting, almost as it was burning. I stoped immediately and Jace noticed something was wrong
    -Clary, what happened?
    -I don't know. My neck is hurting, feels like is burning. OW!
    I notice Jace has a surprised look in his face, but before i can say anything, the feeling disappears.
    -I stopped. That's weird.
    -Wish i had the answer for that- he said with a little laugh
    After that we went back to my apartment and but I couldn't get what happened outside the restaurant off my head.
    - Thank you jace, for going out with me- I say with a smile
    - Thank you for inviting me. Hope we can do this again. But I will plan next time- he say and smiles
    -That's a deal!
    -Goodnight Clary- He says and kiss my forehead
    -Goodnight Jace- i say before he gets in the bike and left.

    When I enter in my apartment, i colapsed into my bed, trying to process everything that happened, my dreams, my "visions", what happened at the restaurant. I'll talk to simon tomorrow and maybe I'll talk to jace about it the next i see him if this continue to happen.
    I got up and go ready to bed, going to sleep right after with dream of a certain blonde.


    Jace's POV

    How could i let the girlfriend thing slip? As much as I want for her to remember me, i know throwing things are not the best thing. But I noticed she got a little sad. Maybe she was jealous? Maybe she know she feels something about me?
    When I get back to the institute, i go immediately to Izzys office. We agreed to met there after i got back. When i got in, they're all there waiting form me. I cant help but to feel that the room is incomplete, they're a redhead missing here.
    -Jace!- Izzys says- What happened? Did you get anything that might help?
    -During the dinner no, she just asked about me and we were talking. But when we were outside the restaurant she said she felt a pain on her neck, almost as it was burning. When i looked at her neck, i swear I saw her Iratze, almost as it was coming back.
    -OH MY GOD! So its possible that her memories are really coming back- Izzy said excited
    -Izzy, calm down- Alec said- But its true. Me and Magnus talked to Cleophas and she said, she's not sure, but the angles may have forgiven Clary, and are slowly getting her abilities and memories back, but that we cant throw everything at her, but keep an eye on her. Now that she has the sight again, demons may come after her, and she's unsafe.
    -We'll do it. We can divide ourself to keep an eye on her. Simon is meeting her tomorrow, so he can keep an eye on her, and each day someone is responsible for looking after her and to she if she shows any signs that her memory is coming back- Izzy says
    -Guys, thank you- I say
    -Wel'll do everything in our power to bring clary back, believe me.- Magnus says

    We stay there for a while and decide to call out a day. I go back to my room and start going through the pics on my phone until I find one of us, from the night of out first date. I cant help but smile remembering what happened

    Jace: Clary, i wont do this.
    Clary: please Jace, someday you will thank me for taking this pic.
    Jace: okay, but only because you asked nicely.

    I couldn't help but smile at this memory. I thank her for taking this pic, it was our first pic. She made me take more after, but hadn't expected anything else from her.I go to sleep with hope this time, hope that someday she will be here with me again. Hope that things turn out ok for her. And us.

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