The idea broke my heart at first. How could such a lovely thing be kept away from me? How come all of this belonged to one person? Not only was I barely able to live from one day to the next I saw many other alongside me that must’ve been in the same position.

But then I reminded myself of the consequences of becoming a queen. Never mind the social standing with all of the societal pressure, or all of the women who would envy me so deeply they would try to kill me, or even the men who hated my ideas and wanted me hung. I would have to be married to a werewolf. My husband would be more beast than man with awful desires that I could never fulfill. He would be violent and animalistic in ways that even the worst man could not be. Now, from the whispers around me I had deemed the rumor that his previous wife had left him to be true. How awful this man must've been to make a woman of grace run away into the night with all kind of fearful creatures and humans lurking about? He must've been a horrendous man if his previous wife had decided that facing bears, cougars, and thieves alone while being exiled from society was better than sharing a bed. I shuddered at the thought just as we finally made our way into the palace.

I was breathless for a moment. Just stricken by all of the beauty that surrounded me. Everywhere I looked there was a mirror, or a grand clock, or a stunning painting. I could not turn my head without spotting something of luxury and tremendous value. And every one of those things was worth more than my master could ever bargain for my life. It was impossible to fathom and so crippling all at once.

But before I could fully take it in and appreciate all of the art and technology a large man placed a gruff hand on my elbow and dragged me towards a door. I looked around, immediately feeling panicked but saw other men doing the same, even to women of finer birth. I was oddly comforted by the fact that my master took quick steps to keep up with me, even though he was already out of breath. He might've not cared about me personally, but he certainly did care about my value which would drop should any harm come to me.

I was strung along into a small room that was hardly decorated which surprised me, the whole palace seemed grand, why skimp out on this particular room? But I said nothing and neither did my master. We both just stood very still while the large man shut the door behind us and turned to face me.

"Is she a virgin?" The large man demanded, looking at my owner.

"Of course." He answered.

"Very well, remove your undergarments." The man ordered, now turning to me.

"You're absurd!" I shouted.

"Do it." My master hissed out from beside me. His face immediately became reddened with embarrassment. "My apologizes, she is a young slave and knows nothing but her life on the farm." He murmured, before glaring darkly at me.

I knew there was a good chance I would be punished later for my outburst, and his punishments could be quite brutal so I decided to not make it any worse for myself. Even I was not brave enough to instigate a lashing with the whip across my back. I silently grasped my undergarments through my skirt and wiggled them down my thighs. It probably looked ridiculous but I was doing my best to save my dignity at this point. Finally, my body was bare underneath my dress and I kicked the clothing off of my shoes.

"Very good." The large man approved.

He stalked forward with purpose clear in his eyes. I was about to take a step back in fright, but my master held my arm tightly, preventing me from moving and warning me without saying a word. I was to behave and keep my untethered mouth shut. An instant later my dress was hoisted, revealing all of my bare flesh and before I could protest my master placed his fat hand over my lips.

A soft scrapping sound drifted upwards from the floor and my eyes darted down to a small piece of glass that was being pushed underneath my exposed body. And on the smooth surface I could clearly see the reflection of my most intimate region. Then the man withdrew the mirror.

I could do nothing. I stood there, horrified over the event that had just taken place. I was panting and I didn't know if I should start attacking the large man for doing such a vile thing to my body or go after my master for letting him do it. But in the end I did neither. I just stood there in shock with my mouth open and my chest heaving with heavy panting.

"Her hymen is still intact, you may proceed to the ballroom, there the king will have his first selection." The man explained.

He moved towards the door and opened it without a word of apology and my master guided me out of the room just as silently.

All the pleasant feelings that I had originally had about this place vanished and I deeply wished that I had never left the barn this morning.

The First Queen *Sample Only*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz