alternatives to hydra

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x. other criminal organisations

So I was helping someone with a plot, and we ended up talking about Hydra. I have stated in the book that having Hydra as the enemy is very overused, and so I decided to give some alternatives to that organisation. Now I'm not saying you can't use Hydra in your fics, I'm just saying it would be nice to see something different.

A.I.M. also known as Advanced Idea Mechanics is privately funded think tank organised by a group of scientists. They are dedicated to develop power through technological means and then use this power to overthrow governments. They also supply arms and technology to radicals and subversive organisations. The leader of the organisation always goes by the title Scientist Supreme. The organisation does have links to Hydra, but it would be interesting to just look at one branch. This organisation would work great for a Tony Stark fic, but also for any character with links to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants;
The Brotherhood is a group dedicated to the cause of mutant superiority over humans. Their agenda has changed between either subjugating the human race to the will of mutants or eradicating humanity altogether. Magneto formed the first brotherhood, and so would be a good organisation for either Erik Lehnsherr or Charles Xavier fic.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was classed as no longer effective after the skrull invasion and Tony Stark (acting in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D.) was held accountable. Norman Osbourne manipulated the U.S. government into allowing him to serve as director of a replacement agency called H.A.M.M.E.R. Osbourne wanted Agent Hill and Tony Stark arrested, along with obtaining the database holding identities of every hero registered under the Superhuman Registration Act. This would be good for either a Tony Stark fic, or any characters connected to S.H.I.E.L.D. like Natasha or Steve.

The Hand;
The Hand is a group of ninjas, with the traditional training in martial arts, camouflage, and subterfuge. In addition, they serve a demonic master known as the Beast, who has given them magical abilities. Allegedly four billion years ago, the "founding fathers" of what is known as the Hand started their activism, worshiping the Beast and killing what lived. Good for a Daredevil or Wolverine fic, and I would personally be interested in seeing the organisation in a Clint Barton fic.

Hellfire Club;
The Hellfire Club began in England as a social club for the British social elite and wealthy in the 1760's. The purpose of the Hellfire Club is to obtain and exert power through politics and economic influence instead of outward conquest and domination. The Hellfire Club had been involved in wars and assassinations as long as these helped further the agendas of the Club's most prominent members. The Hellfire Club membership is hereditary, but can also be earned through wealth or influence. Good for any X-Men fic, especially Erik Lehnsherr or Emma Frost.

Masters of Evil;
The Masters of Evil are a group of supervillians and are primarily opposed to The Avengers. There are different versions of the Masters of Evil, but usually the members are a direct enemy to one of the Avengers. E.g The Enchantress and Thor. Therefore perfect for an Avengers fic.

Also known as Roxxon Energy Corporation, is an American multinational oil and gas corporation. Their goal is to increase their profits. The company has been involved in many morally questionable and illegal activities, but most is unknown to the public. The company has had ties to S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra. Good for Spider-men fics, maybe Miles Morales or even Kate Bishop.

I hope this was useful, most of this information is from Earth-616. I might do another chapter on enemies, or any idea on what I should cover next?

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