Strands of Deception

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With a shuffle from her chair, she was outside the office, by-passing the armed guards and venturing deeper into the ancient brick building. It was a three story monstrosity that had seen better days, and if the dusty, discarded posters were to be believed, used to house a real estate firm. There were offices littered throughout the second floor, and while she peeked inside each and every one, not a single thing caught her interest. They were all frozen in the past, with molded carpets and inspirational posters strewn about, pictures of family members and beloved pets lost to the times. When she reached the staircase leading the the upper floor, she didn't hesitate, wanting to be as far away from inquiring gazes as possible. 

The days succeeding their impromptu message from their insider informant had been difficult for the young omega. She'd been questioned thoroughly, sent to see one of their resident nurses, and given a round of shots meant to help with the anxiety that often followed an unprepared omega upon meeting an Imperion Alpha.  Thankfully, her heat had passed just weeks ago, but according to the doctor, the next estrus might've been bumped up due to such an unexpected interaction. Instead of having four months to relax, she'd likely have to make accommodations a good few weeks prior. Which was great, because Deviant just absolutely fucking loved going through her heat locked in the stocking room, where they'd refurbished the two hundred foot space to hold an omega suffering through their cycle. It locked from the outside, and was insulated enough that no one could scent the excessive slick that ran so freely... 

The dreams certainly weren't helping her stress levels either. At first they'd begun as water colored visions, poorly enhanced views, blurred pictures that accompanied strange feelings. She couldn't remember them clearly the first few days, but as the week progressed along, they became more vivid. A masculine voice would echo through her mind, issued from a face she couldn't recall, but the unnamed male was always settled above her. It didn't matter where she was or what she was doing, his shadow always darkened her world. He'd touched her gently at first, fanned flames that had long since been abandoned. When you had such a dangerous dynamic, finding a fuck buddy during the apocalypse was practically impossible. Deviant hadn't slept with anyone since the Imperion had arrived, and it was as if the faceless figure in her dreams knew it. 

He would whisper the filthiest things into her ears, words that made her blush and pant, but she never remembered them afterwards. What she did remember, however, was the peak he pushed her towards once her dream suitor finally took the plunge, claiming her body and soul in the realm of unconsciousness but always leaving her unfulfilled when she awoke. But even in those first few breathless seconds of reality, she could almost swear she heard a low, soothing rumble, some feral noise of comfort that she couldn't place. It had taken her restful nights and turned them into something that both terrified and excited her all at the same time. To put it blandly, she was tired. 

Deviant had hoped being surrounded by fresh faces, eager for change, would inspire her enthusiasm, but alas, it had not. Being around people hadn't cheered her up, and as she stretched up along the stairway, she couldn't help but issue a snuff of exhaustion. Just as her hand was reaching out for the pole that braced along the wall, a strange silence dampened the area around her, seeming to freeze time itself. She was held on the spot, one leg angled against the upper step, pressing down with the intent to leverage her up further, but was unable to move her body. It lasted only seconds, she was certain, but in her mind it was the longest wait of her life. And then, abruptly, the very ground beneath her began to shift, all leading up to an ear shattering boom. 

The walls rattled around, giant chunks of sheet rock raining down upon her as she scrambled for balance. The air was dimmed with debris, turning cloudy as the eruption continued to rumble on. Beneath her, she watched in horror as the ceiling caved in, the lack of support leading the side beams to collapse. With her exit blocked, her only hope for escape was up, and the very moment the quake came to a startling halt, she was fleeing up the stairs like a panicked rabbit. Her feet hit the final floor with a stumble, and she had to slap a palm against the wall for support. Eyelashes fluttered, blinking away the haze that filmed up her vision, but when she finally got a clear picture of what was ahead, she found pathway blocked once more. Mere feet away, the floor had ripped open, creating a gaping hole that kept her from reaching the end of the hallway. Directly above that massive breech, the roof itself had rattled apart, and bright shafts of sunlight broke through the darkness to highlight the opening.

It could've been an earthquake, as unheard of as such a thing was in their part of the world, but the crackling pop of gunshots told another story. Automatic weapons began to fire off on the floors below her, soon accompanied by pained screams. With soot covering her features and her ears straining for information, Deviant tried to catch the familiar pitch of Jazz's voice, but was left wanting. Aware she was on her own, she inched forwards, weary towards the newly unstable building. There were doors to both her left and right, and now they might hold her only avenue of escape. Before she could take more than a few shaky footsteps, the whirring of a helicopter smothered out all other noises, and with a breathy gasp, she darted her eyes upwards to watch the military issued chopper blot out the sunlight shining in.  With the new threat pressing down upon her, fear shot to an entirely new level, and she steeled her resolve. She'd have to make it to one of the rooms and break a window if she possibly hoped to escape the rapidly collapsing building with her life... Why why her luck so rotten? 

As if the world sensed her displeasure, it cast upon her another curse. From across the cavernous hole separating her from the rest of the floor, a smooth tone reached out to her, silken as it brushed across her skin. Eyes widened with horror, Deviant stared into the shadows, where a male figure was rapidly forming. Before he even came into full view, she knew it who it was, instinctively aware of his presence. That knowledge didn't keep her heart from stuttering to a halt when she finally met his gaze though, grey depths stormy with repressed emotions. "Tsk tsk, little girl. Don't you know it's not nice to lie?" 

Deviant (A m/f omegaverse tale)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt