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I watched Hannah paint Aria's nails. I can't believe that Hannah has gotten so girly. I can't believe that she is actually my friend. I can't be that all of them are my friends! Even if it meant killing my own sister, it was all worth it. But that's something I can keep to myself.

Hannah looked at me and smiled. "Want me to paint your nails, too?" she asked. I shook my head and took a sip of my Diet Coke. "No thanks." I said. I glanced at Spencer, who was laying down on the couch cusion, and she seemed to be asleep. "You awake?" I asked her. She nodded. "I'm just glad this whole "A" thing is finally out of the way." she said. Emily shrugged. "We still don't know who it is." she said.

"It's obviously Madhouse Mona." Aria said. Emily and Spencer nodded. Hannah sighed "Don't call her that," she said. "Mona was my really good friend."

"And then she went crazy." I said. Hannah rolled her eyes. She knew it was true.

Spencer's phone starting buzzing, and she ran to answer it. "Hello?" she said into the phone, walking out of the room. All I heard were quiet mumbles. A minute later, Spencer ran back into the room. "It was Toby," she said. "Turn on Channel Eight."

Hannah stopped painting Aria's nails and grabbed the remote, turning it on to Channel Eight, like Spencer demanded. The news caster was standing in front of a cemetary, and I couldn't believe it.

She was in front of Courtney's grave.

Courtney, my sister.

The person I killed.

"A worker at the cemetary took a look at Courtney DiLaurentis's casket, and found out that the body went missing." said the news caster. "Later that night, the worker has been acting very strange, and the only words the worker said was, "Find Alison.""

I stared at the girls, and they stared at me back. "Does this mean Courtney's ghost is out to get us?" Hannah asked. I glanced at the TV, showing Courtney's empty casket. "I think so." I whispered. I killed Courtney, but she was trying to take over my life. She loved to pretend she was me, even though she wasn't. Everyone believe that Courtney was me, and nobody knew who I was. I had to get revenge. And now, she's getting revenge on me.

"Nothing happened yet." Spencer said. "That doesn't mean nothing will ever happen," I said back to her.

"I killed Courtney. She's out to get me." I looked away. "You don't know that." said Aria, sitting next to me on the couch. "I do know that. Did you hear what that idiot worker said? "Find Allison." Why else would she want to find me? To give me a welcoming ghost hug?"

"The worker might be on drugs or something." Hannah said, smiling. I didn't say anything. A phone rang. Then another. And another. And another. Then mine.

I unlocked my phone, and stared. "Oh. My. Gosh." I said, reading the text over and over again.

"You think I'm gone, but I'm still here. And I'm out to get you," said Emily, reading the messge out loud. "-A." she finished.

"I knew it. The "A" thing is not done." I said. "Maybe it's Courtney?" Aria asked. I shook my head. "How can she get into a phone? She probably can't even get into a house." I said. Aria shrugged and looked away.

We all sat there in silence, until we heard foot steps on the stairs. "Hello?" Spencer said. Nobody said anything, but the foot steps didn't stop. "I thought you're parents were out of the city!" Hannah said.

"Melissa?" Spencer said, loudly. Nothing. "Who's there?" I yelled. The person jumped off the last steps of the stairs, and all that I saw was a man in a black hoodie. We all started screaming, which seemed to startle him. Or her.

The person switched on the lights, and we finally got a good look of them. It was Melissa, Spencer's older sister. "Melissa!" Spencer screamed. Melissa smiled. "Hello, girls." she said. "You scared the hell out of me!" Spencer grabbed a couch cusion and threw it at Melissa. "Mom had some stuff she wanted to give to me, so I came over to get it." she said.

"We were here since school ended. When did you get here?" Emily asked. "Sometime in the morning. I feel asleep on your bed, Spence." Melissa said, smiling more. Spencer rolled her eyes.

"Well, I better get going." Melissa said. She grabbed her keys and walked out of the house. "Hopefully we won't be scared anymore tonight." Aria said. Our phones rang again. Crap. I picked it up, unlocked it, and read the text.

That's what you think.


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