Chapter 6: At Seventeen

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"Don't joke like that, T."

"Hey, Holly," she felt a hand on her shoulder as Derek slid into the seat next to her.

"Hey, Derek," she said, popping up and running a nervous hand through her curly hair. "Sorry about this morning. I—"

"No explanation needed. My sister was a beauty queen too."

Holly hazarded a look at Tameka and couldn't tell by her expression whether she was offended or flattered by the comparison. "Being late makes me anxious," she said, feeling stupid, "and being anxious makes me not pay attention to where I'm going."

"Well," he said, smiling at her and reaching a hand out to place it on top of hers. "I get here a little early most days. I could give you a ride tomorrow if you want. For my own safety, of course."

She blushed but managed to pull herself together enough to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I'd like that."

"Great. How about I come by at six-forty-five?"


He got up and went back to his table to sit with the other senior boys.

"Was that real? Or am I still asleep?"

Peter rolled his eyes—the same blue ones as his cousin's. "I'm warning you right now not to date that guy. I want it on the record."

Holly and Tameka shared a look, shaking their heads.


Derek showed up promptly at six forty-five the next morning, his beat-up old pickup truck rattling in the gravel driveway. She sprang up off her seat on the porch swing and hurried out to propel herself into the passenger seat. "Thanks for the ride today."

"No problem," he said with a smile. He looked like a catalog model between the beige sweater, tanned skin, and his perfectly gelled dark hair. They spent the entire drive in an awkward silence. Holly didn't know what to say and didn't want to risk saying the wrong thing.

Derek pulled into the school lot and parked. He hopped down out of the cab and grabbed his jacket and scarf out of the backseat, throwing them on before slamming his door closed and meeting Holly on the other side of the truck. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and started to walk into the school, the blush creeping over her cheeks.

He stopped her with a soft brush of his fingers with hers. "Could I ask you something first?"

"Sure, Derek." She swallowed down the nervous feeling in her stomach, hoping he couldn't tell.

"I've noticed you haven't been very social lately, and I totally get that."

"I didn't think you noticed me at all."

He tilted his head, "It's a small town, Holly. Anyway, if I'm totally out of line, just tell me, but I think you need some more fun in your life and I am just the guy to show you a good time. What do you think? Friday night, seven o'clock? I'd tell you where we're going, but I think it'll be more fun as a surprise."

Holly felt all the air rush out of her lungs and she struggled to breathe back in, feeling light-headed. "Um, yeah. I'd like that. I'd like that a lot, actually."

"Great," he smiled. "Do you want me to carry that for you?" he asked even as he slipped her backpack off her shoulders in one smooth motion.

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