"Oh honey don't give me that look, its too adorable! Come here I need you to do mommy a favor." He smiled instantly and crawled up to my face to I could whisper to him what I needed him to do. I glaned at the two in the room as I finished and watched Sam scuttle out of the room.

 I snickered quietly as Tristan looked at me suspisously, that when a loud bang sounded from the kitchen and a lot of yells followed. The nurse followed Tristan's lead and bolted out of the room quickly. Sam's head popped into view looking in the room to make sure it was clear before sneaking in and closing the doors.

 I had him locke the doors and shove the two metal brooms I had him get into the handles, I smiled at him as he turned holding the little saw I had stashed under the kitchen sink. "That's my boy!" He smiled wide at my prais and crawled up on the table and worked through the straps. By the time Tristan and Dan were trying to unlock the door I was agusting my happy place to make it less noticable.

 I picked up the saw Sam was holding out to me, I smiled and patted his head "You made mommy proud." His little body quivered with delight as he smiled big and hugged me, they finally got the doors unlocked and went to open them. The brooms prevented the handles turning enough to open the doors.

 Tristan sighed and banged his head on the glass "Sora, open the door." I stuck my tongue out at him, Sam did the same, and shook my head "No. You had me pinned to a table! I won't let you touch me for three months!" Tristan's face fell "Oh come on!" He rolled his eyes pushing Dan out of the way as his foot connected with the door. I squeaked as I took in the bent brooms, I stood up pulling Sam with me as I pushed the heavy metal table up against the door. Tristan groaned at me.

 "Sora!" He dragged the last letter out a little I frowned at him, I cannot believe he let them tie me to a fucking metal table! Do you know how bad for your back that is?! I placed Sam on the ground and folded my arms. "You can't stay in there for three weeks Sora, You will starve."

 I smirked at Tristan "You won't let me starve." He frowned then nodded his head in agreement. Dan looked in the room as I started to go through the cupboards, I pulled the thing what lets you hear peoples hearts and handed it to Sam.

 He looked at it funny "What does it do?" I put the ear pieces in his ears and held the other end to my chest. His face lit up as he herd me hear beat "Wow!" I chuckled and we had a cotton ball fight. We laughed and rolled around on the cotton covered floor, Dan was banging on the doors yelling at us to stop.

 I spreaded glue on the window and stuck cotton balls on his so It looked like whoever had their face in the window had a santa beard. Dan gave up and started to bang his head on the door softly, the nurse from before pulled him away from his wrecked room soothing him with kind words.

 I noticed for the first time a closed door on the other side of the room, I walked over to it with Sam sitting on my foot and hugging my leg. He giggled madly as I spung in a circle and went back to walking to the door. I tried to open it but it was locked, Sam got off my foot and pushed the door with both hands, his feet sliding on the tile floor.

 I walked around the room and looked for something to try and pick the lock with, I snapped my fingers and opened the drawr that helda bunch of pencils, pens, small paper pads, and thumb tacks. I dug threw it and found two safety pins, I smiled and opened them then knelt in front of the door and got to work.

 Sam watched me intently eager to see if i could open the door. After ten minutes, there was a loud crash outside the window that made me jump. I herd the soft click of the lock opening, I stood and walked to the window.

 I don't know why but all the windows in this house were that 4 inch think bullet proof glass, I opened the window and looked out to see Tristan's wolf shaking his body out then looking back up at the window. I tilted my head at him "I thought you knew werewolves can't bust threw 4 inch this glass!" He got ready to jump up again and as his paws left the ground I closed the window. His enormous body slammed into the glass, not even scratching it before he fell to the ground again.

 I opened the window back up and smiled at him "Oh by the way thank you, you helped me open this lock here." I closed the window and went back to Sam who was waiting by the now unlocked door.

 I slowly turned the handle and opened the door, Sam smiled and ran into the newly discovered stash of food. I herd a thud at the doors and looked back to see Dan's head on the window "Crap, they found my stash." I laughed and followed Sam into the large room with shelf after shelf of food.

 "Mommy! Look look!" I walked up and looked where he was pointing, I smiled and picked Sam up placing him on my shoulders. "Can you reach it?" I felt him reach up but he shook his head, "No I'm too short." I stepped back and looked at the box just sitting there, waiting for Sam and I to eat its contents.

 I lifted Sam up and held him as close as I could to the box, he reach and hooked his little fingers on the edge. I was on my tippy toes so when he pulled it off the shelf I lost my balance and fell on my ass. Sam landed on my chest with the large box of corn dogs in his arms, we looked at eachother before laughing.

 I stood and opened the box, I walked with Sam right behind me out of the room and went to the microwave that was next to the mini frigin the back of the room, next to the couch Tristan had been on when I woke.

 I herd a slapping sound and turned to see Dan rubbing the back of his head with Tristan standing next to him arms crossed "Why do you have a fucking stash of food in there?! Now they won't ever come out. Do you know how longs its been since I have mated with Sora properly?"

 I chuckled as I plopped two corn dogs into the microwave and let them heat up, I patted Sam's head "You have a good eye Sam, a very good eye. I can hardly wait till you turn 17, I bet your mate will be amazing."

 We ate together telling lame jokes, I had pulled  out two monsters from the mini frig and handed Sam one. I know what you are thinking 'Who gives a 5 year old a monster?' Well unlike humans werewolves can drink as many of these energy drinks as we want and it won't hurt us in the least. Snow had told me that Kile had told her that, so I asked Tristan and he said it was true.

 "Sora please come out of there." He pleaded with me as Sam and I sat on the metal table eating at watching him. I snorted at him "Hah, you'd sooner be having angels crawling out of your ass than get near the likes of me before these three months are up!"

 I smiled and stuck the whole hot dog in my mouth in a teasing way staring right into Tristan's eyes and I pulled it out of my mouth slowly. I saw him visibly shudder as I licked my lips after I did it again but I bit the top of the hot dog off in a very vicious manner, Tristan and Dan both cringed and held their manparts.

 I laughed and fell of the table. I looked up at Sam as he leaned over to look at me, then we bother started to laugh. Sam snorted making me laugh harder and hold my sides, I herd a familiar voise in the hall and stood up seeing Kile walking up to Tristan who was banging his head on the door repeatedly.

 "Hey bro, what's up with you?" Tristan pointed to me through the window with the santa beard on it, Kile looked in at me then looked at the window and chuckled "That's pretty funny." I bowed to Kile threw the window "Why thank you kind sir. Where is my best friend that you stole from me?"

 He smiled at me "She is sleeping. She has great news to tell you tomorrow." I smiled and went back to eating as Tristan explained everything that happened since we last saw him.

My Dream Come True... I'm a Werewolf's Mate! (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now