Chapter 19-The Last Hour

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"Welcome, welcome everybody!" Mayor Whipstaff said into the microphone, stepping up on the stage. "I know we're running late, some minor technical difficulties with the sound system. But let's kick off what I hope to be the first annual Craven Falls Halloween Party with a bang!" The milling crowd gave a half-hearted cheer and applause. Many of them were still confused as to why they came in the first place. "Thank you, thank you. Well, we got a lot lined up for you tonight, folks. Kids, there's an apple-bobbing booth over on the right, with a mega pack of candy as the prize, donated by one of our sponsors, our own Stanford Dentistry. Bet that's just an investment, eh Denny?" The town's resident dentist laughed and shook his head, receiving chuckles and a smattering of applause. "Now, I'll be here all night, but you don't want to listen to me all night. So allow me to turn you over to our first musical guest, a local band called Boris and the Spiders! Give 'em some love, folks!"

The band took the stage to applause and howls. Drums and guitars sang in the night as Whipstaff got off the stage, Spotting Courtney with some technicians.

"I have done as you requested, mistress." he said quietly as he came over. Courtney glanced at him in annoyance.

"Fine, fine. whatever, okay?" she dismissed, then turned back to the tech crew. "So, the sound levels are okay now?"

"Yes mistress. The broadcast of your will shall go off perfectly." the crew head said dully.

"Good, make sure nothing happens to it from now until showtime." Courtney said, running fingers through her hair. It was just one thing after another; the sound system had shorted out twenty minutes before the party started, some of the refreshments had arrived forty minutes early and had to be kept chilled, the idols had reacted to the dark magic and tried to float away, and one of the speakers had nearly caught on fire. Courtney felt like she was going to tear her hair out running around putting out fires (literally for the speakers).

"Okay, you good? Good. Now go out there and do your jobs, you've got other things to do than bother me!" she declared.

"Yes, mistress." the group around her mumbled, and shuffled off. Courtney sighed in relief, then shook her head and got a cup of punch from the refreshment table. Frowning at the noise of the band and the crowd, she slunk over to a quiet spot to take a breather. Carla slipped out of the shadows, making her spit punch and jump.

"Ack! Stop doing that!" Courtney scolded, rubbing the punch out of her robe.

"Sorry. But I'm finished on my end. How are things on yours?" Carla said.

"Oh, just peachy." Courtney growled. "The idols keep reacting negatively to their placements and the speakers nearly caught on fire. I had to conjure some ice to keep the drinks cold too, and the tech crew keeps bugging me with the stuff that keeps popping up! It's insane!" She rubbed her forehead. "I never knew this party would need so much work, let alone the ritual stuff."

"I know what you mean. I've been shadowwalking all over trying to keep an eye on the party." She cracked her neck and looked down. "The ritual went off, you know. I went back and checked. There's an ungodly daemonic aura everywhere, and the place is a mess, holes blasted in the ceiling everywhere."

"So why hasn't she called us yet?" Ivory said glumly, coming over and sitting down with a can of soda.

"Don't know. She's probably off having some fun before getting down to business. You know how she is." Carla said, her face as expressionless as her voice. Courtney grunted and looked up at the stars.

"So I guess that's it, then. We've won. The only thing left is to spring the ritual here." she said.

"Mmm." Carla nodded, while Ivory sipped her drink noncommittally.

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