CHAPTER 2 ~Who Are You?

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Michonne felt her strapless bra slipping. While talking and shooting the breeze with Sasha, she completely forgot her surroundings and automatically put her hands under her breasts and gave her chest a little body shake, wiggling her shoulders to help move them back into place. Sasha giggled at her friend's uncouth mannerisms and murmured, "Gurl, you do understand you're not at home?"

Michonne burst out with a loud laugh, "I know but my bra is slipping and I don't want my boobs to fall out." She finally got them back to where they were comfortable and that's when she looked over and saw intense blue eyes behind dark-rimmed glasses, staring at her. "Oh, shit."

Sasha whipped her head around to find out what her friend was looking at.

Michonne held her breath as she took in the beautiful specimen with a lean and tight body resting against the wall. He had dark wavy hair, brushed back from his forehead. A few loose curls broke away to hang down along his temple. She felt the urge to walk over there and push them back in place.

After she broke away from the mesmerizing gleam of his azure eyes, her gaze latched onto the handful of curls hanging on the back of his head that reached his too-tight collar. His dark, fully trimmed beard made her fingers antsy to scratch with her nails.

He stood there staring back, paused with his drink partway to his mouth.

Sasha watched them stare at each other, his gaze stuck on her friend who happened to still have her hands on her breasts. "Uhm, Michonne, maybe if you take your hands off them titties, that guy would stop staring at you."

Michonne's head swung from the handsome stranger to the hands still holding up her boobs. "Oh, right." She dropped them and then turned her body in embarrassment. "God, he's gorgeous. This is so embarrassing. Is he still looking over here?"

Sasha had already turned back and snickered at her best friend, "Sure, he's gorgeous for a dork that stands against walls in a bar. And, no. He stopped looking as soon as he got caught watching you." She slapped a hand on Michonne's forearm, startling her, "Speaking of gorgeous. Do you see that tall, dark and oh my... handsome Manny, floating our way?"

Michonne's head was still down, so she peeped through her eyelashes and checked out the direction Sasha's bold ass was pointing. "Please, stop calling men 'Manny'." She saw a tall, ruggedly good-looking dude with black, curly hair, strutting their way. He had on a dark suit and she had to admit, from the tightness of his pants, the boy was packin'.

Reluctantly pulling her eyes away, Michonne whispered, "They're not sex objects, you know."

Sasha blew a raspberry, "Whatever, this one looks yummy. Quick, quick... I want to get his attention. He's getting ready to walk right past us."

Always ready to help a friend, Michonne sat on the stool next to Sash and reached into her purse, "Here, take this handkerchief and drop it in front of..." She didn't get to finish her sentence because her wild friend stuck her foot out and tripped the poor man.

Michonne whispered furiously at Sasha, "You were supposed to drop the hanky on the floor in front of him, not trip the guy!" They both dropped down to help him up.

They were reaching for his arms when Sasha whispered back, "Worked, didn't it?" She began wiping non-existing dust off his jacket and then his pants, giving fake apologies.

'You's a sneaky bitch, Sasha.' Michonne thought it, but she didn't say it out loud for fear this guy would hear her and mess up her friend's little game plan.

The man let Sasha brush her hands all over him without a complaint, "Nah, no problem. It was an accident. I'm fine. Is your foot okay?"

Michonne slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. This guy was no dummy. He knew Sasha tripped him.

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