Chapter 4

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We sat down somewhere in the middle theatre. It was extremely quiet, as we were he only people there. I asked JARVIS to play the first movie, and the opening credits began.

 I had expected Loki to ask questions about everything, like "What's that ship?", "Who's the dude in black?", or "Who's that girl and why does she have cinnamon rolls on her head?". Surprisingly, (unlike most of my family the first time they watched to movie) he remained quiet.

 At some point while C3P0 and R2 were falling to Tatooine on their pod, Loki placed his hand on the arm rest, not realizing mine was already there. He hesitated before quickly moving it off. A thousand thoughts ran through my head. 

Did I do something wrong? Were my hands sweaty?? Were his sweaty and he didn't want me to know???

"My hands aren't sweaty." He murmured. I glanced up at him. 

Did he just read my mind?

He froze. "I said that aloud, didn't I?" He asked. I nodded slowly, awaiting further explanation. Loki sighed. "Okay, so I can read people's minds. Not that big of a deal. C'mon, the robots just landed, I want to see what happens." 

"Wait! This is, like, a huge deal! H-have you been, y'know, reading my mind?" A light flush burned on my face. He hesitated before nodding.

"I usually read people's first impressions of me. It's interesting to know what people think of me. Honestly, your whole family wanted to murder me. But you-" He stopped himself and quickly averted his gaze. I could've sworn it was him blushing this time. 

"Well, you're on the Avengers, right? What kind of powers do you have?" He tried to change the subject. I shrugged. "Well my name is Spider-Man. I'll let you guess what my powers are." He smiled, interested. "Hm. I don't know. Can you tell me?"

 I got up from my seat and walked over to the wall on my right. I turned back to him, making sure he was watching. Once I was sure I had his attention, I placed one foot on the wall, then another. Soon I was halfway to the ceiling, then standing upside down above him. 

I looked down to see his reaction. He stared at me, wide-eyed.

"How did you do that?! What else can you do?" He asked. I rolled up my right sleeve, revealing the web slingers I kept on my wrists for just-in-case situations. I attached one end of a web to the ceiling, and slowly slid down the web until I was face to face with Loki.

It was then I noticed how soft his lips looked. I wonder what it's like to kiss him?

It was too late when I realized he might be reading my mind. Maybe he wasn't reading my mind just now? I have no way of knowing!

The young trickster god showed no sign of shock as I slowly climbed back into my seat beside him. "Well, you know most of my powers. Any more of yours I should know about?" I asked, praying he didn't notice my red face. 

"Well, it's not really a 'power', but I can do this-" He flicked his wrists and a knife appeared in his left hand, two in his right. He got up and took a few steps backwards. I didn't know what he was doing until he tossed the knives into the air, juggling them. 

I watched in awe as he added another knife, and another. Eventually, he was juggling 6 knives. 6!! When Loki was sure I was impressed, he caught all 6 knives in one hand, balancing them on top of one another. 

I clapped as he set them down on the armrest. "How was that?" I grinned. 

"That was amazing! Where did you learn to do that?"

"I have a good amount of free time." 

I looked at the knives. I couldn't let him one-up me. 

"Can I try?"

The boy hesitated. "Have you ever tried?" I shook my head 'no'. "I just want to try with two. Please?" He sighed. 

"Fine. Please, be careful. Your fathers would kill me if you got hurt." I nodded, picking up two of the blades. I tossed one into the air, then the other. My spidey-sense made the knives look like they were falling in slow motion, making juggling easier.

I caught the handles easily, then tossed them back up. I watched Loki out of the corner of my eye as I juggled. 

Suddenly, lasers fired onscreen. I flinched, snapping out of my spidey-sense trance. I yelped as I felt a sharp pain in my left hand. I dropped the knives and clutched my hand to my chest. Loki was at my side in milliseconds. He was muttering to himself. I caught the words cute ones and stupid.

"Are you ok? Shit, I shouldn't have let you do that-" He held out his hand and some bandages, paper towels, and peroxide appeared. He opened the peroxide and held it above my hand.

"Okay, this is going to sting, but I need to clean the wound, okay?" I nodded, unable to speak through the pain. He drizzled the liquid on my open palm. 

Just when I thought the pain was bad enough. 

I bit back a scream. He dabbed the paper towels on my hand, removing what was left of the peroxide. The stinging eased as he wrapped the bandages around my palm. He held onto my hand even after he had finished wrapping it. 

"Are you okay? Gods, I shouldn't have let you do that! Have you ever juggled? Your dads are going to kill me, I swear to Odin-"

 I grabbed his hand with both of mine. "Loki, please calm down. I swear, I'll be okay. I need you to promise you'll stop freaking out." He hesitated before nodding.

"I promise." 

I looked down to see his fingers interlocked with my own. I blushed wildly. 

Our hands go pretty well together. I thought before I could stop myself. 

"You know what else might go well together?" He asked quietly, barely a whisper. Before I could think of a witty response, I felt Loki's lips crash into mine. 

**1036 words? Dang**

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