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"You want something to eat, Jack?" He made me jump as he wrapped his arms around my waist, causing me to squeal.
"Yeah, you". He said, nibbling down on my ear, I leaned back into his naked body, tilting my head as he pulled at the t-shirt I'd slipped on, and began to tease me.
"I'm serious" I giggled, shoving my butt back, knocking him slightly, "I'm hungry".
"That's more like it", he grabbed my ass and launched me over his shoulder, swinging me around, lowering me to the couch.
That's what you get when you date the captain of the football team. He worshipped my body, not that I was complaining, his own body was lean and his broad shoulders made me weak at the knees. Oh, the simple life. A little studying and a lot of sex, what more could a girl ask for.
He trailed kisses along my leg, and back up the other, my body trembled as he hovered over me. Pressing himself down, his hardness pushed into me and I let out a moan.
"You're so beautiful", he whispered as he swept my ebony hair from my forehead. My olive skin prickled at his tantalizing touch. He leaned in and kissed me, his soft lips parting and moving with mine, he pulled up and traced his thumb over my bottom lip. I melted into his deep chocolate eyes. "You're quite the looker yourself," I said as I took his bottom lip between my teeth. He scooped me up as he rolled on to his back and I straddled him.
I leaned in to kiss him again but the sound of running from the other side of my dorm room door echoed loudly. We both turned our heads to face the door then back to each other.
"What was that?" I said nervously.

I must admit, I'd been hiding a little in my room, all the illness talk on the news was freaking me out. I couldn't wrap my head around it all. How many people were dying from the flu. I knew it could cause complications for some, but these were normally healthy people. Plus the students talking crazy stuff, like the end of the world and that the government was killing us all off because we're overpopulated had me overthinking stuff too. Even making me call home a few times, but I'd just gotten the answering machine, I just assumed they were away, maybe.
The sudden rush of more footsteps and a blood curdling scream had me jumping up from Jack. "What the hell, baby, I'm scared"
"It's probably just the students pissing around" he walked over to me and placed his fingertips under my chin.
"Baby, your shaking". He wrapped me in his arms, "shall I go and see what's going on?"
"No!" I shouted.
"Hey", he pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead then my nose trailing kisses from cheek to cheek. But they didn't calm my nerves. He let go of me, leaving goosebumps in his wake and started to get dressed. I stared at him with a look of horror on my face. "Please don't go out there".
Just as he was about to protest the door hammered. We both just stared at it.
"Kace! Let me in!"
"Its Lauren," I said as I unbolted the door, Jack right behind me.
She pushed her way through, gripping her arm. We backed away as she slammed the door behind her.
"Shit, Lauren, what the hell happened to you?" my friend stood, shaking from head to toe, blood dripping from her fingers that covered her arm and her make up smudged around her eyes.
Lauren was my best friend and a cheerleader with me. She was never seen with her make up out of place, she always looked good, no matter what. What on earth had happened to my friend?
I ran over to the basin and grabbed a towel and some water. Jack led her over to the couch, and she sat down, still shaking. I knelt in front of her, "let's see honey, how'd this happen?" I said having to prise her fingers from her wound.
"Shit! What the fuck?" Teeth marks.
"Where's Ben?" Jack asked, bending down next to me. Upon the mention of Bens name, her boyfriend and Jacks best defender, her eyes widened. Tears spilling and her breathing shallow. I was so confused, I looked towards Jack who looked just as creeped out as me and I started to clean the wound, the bite.

"Why did he bite me... I just don't understand, he loves me, but his eyes, and his groans... and ...I ..." Lauren mumbled, not making any sense whatsoever.
"Did Ben bite you Lauren?" Jack asked. She nodded.
"Oh my god". We all jumped to the sound of thundering footsteps again and Jack got up, walking over towards the door just as I scrambled to my feet. "Don't go out there" my eyes pleaded, he must see the fear that radiated through my stare because he turned towards the kitchen. I thought for a moment he was listening and he wouldn't go out there but then he opened the pantry and pulled out an old baseball bat he'd left me once, just in case.
Ben had been a little under the weather last week, but I thought he was better now, what if.... No, not the virus everyone's been talking about, right.
"What are we going to do jack, I'm scared" I whimpered. Jack tried to console me but I could tell he didn't have a clue. We both turned to look back at Lauren.
"Lauren, where's Ben now?" Jack asked. Her lips were moving a little and her eyes fixed to the floor. She was mumbling again. Maybe she'd lost to much blood? I wondered.
A snarling sound escaped her lips. "Lauren, honey". I stepped closer but Jack stopped me by the arm, pulling me back, "baby, something's not right". Jack said as we took another step back, together. Our backs hit the counter and another groan escaped from my friends mouth. She raised her head, slowly. It looked as though she was looking straight through us. She tilted her head up and slunk it to the side. Her eyes looked far away, as if the spark in them has been extinguished. Her movements were odd. She shuffled to her feet, struggling to walk. Dragging her feet with her arms stretched out in front of her, she ambled towards us.
I gasped and grabbed Jacks hand feeling the tears prick my eyes, blurring my vision. I shook my head, "no no no, no, what's going on". The sound of my voice almost acted like a siren, alerting Lauren. Jack pushed me behind him. "Stay back baby". He was protecting me but his voice trembled and his adam apple bobbed as he tried to swallow.
"Lauren, stop, what are you doing? You should sit and rest." Jacks attempt to talk to her only gave us more cause for alarm, she wasn't responding let alone acting like she even heard us. She closed in on us, so we circled round, inching our feet away from her, but she just kept coming.
"Lauren, just stop". I said between sobs. But it was hopeless.
We heard a scream from the other side of the door, as Jack looked at me in that moment my friend launched at Jack, teeth bare and clawing fingers.
"What the fuck," he knocked her back and she fell down.
"She tried to fucking bite me!" Just as he said that she was back on her feet again coming at him. I screamed. He pushed her back again but she didn't give up, inching forward, dragging herself to us over and over. I couldn't control my tears now, they streamed down my face. I was struggling to process what is happening, that's when I heard a crack, the last push sent Lauren flying smacking her leg against the coffee table.
"I'm gonna be sick". I covered my mouth pushing down the acid in my throat as I watched in horror, my friend, with her bone sticking out of her leg get back up, and drag herself towards us again.
Bile burned my throat and I heaved. "Time to go". Jack said. I was fumbling, desperately trying to unlock the door, but it was one of those horror movie moments, when you'd scream at the tv, hurry up, open the door, but I was shaking violently.
"Any time now baby", Jacks voice shook.
"I'm trying" just as I turned the key Jack swung the bat at full force. I slowly turned, and shit, I'd wished I hadn't the moment I set eyes on the scene. Lauren sprawled across the coffee table, her head smashed in, the blood, there was so much blood.
Jack was shaking, still gripping the bat, it smothered in blood. My friends blood.
I grabbed his hand, "baby?" I didn't know what to say, things had gone from bad to worse in the matter of seconds. I threw up. Bent over, retching and started to cry.
As I looked down I realised I still wasn't dressed. I stumbled making my way to the bath room, Jack behind me. He looked so sad, his eyebrows drew together and he fell to his knees. "Baby, I just killed someone".
I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. His face nuzzled into my belly and I rested my head on top of his. As he brought his arms up around my waist, I felt the sobs rattle his chest, his shoulders slouched and we cried together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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