Chapter 1

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I sat on the floor of my bathroom. My hands shaking with anger and sadness, my left hand held a blade. I sat with my feet folded under me, my right arm on the top of my thigh. I put the blade up to the skin of my arm, I pressed it into my skin and pulled across. Watching. As the blood slowly seeped out of the deep cut, this wasn't my first time. My left and right arms were covered in little white lines of raised skin, scars. It wasn't just my arms though I pulled up the shorts I was wearing to reveal my thigh, I pressed the blade down on my leg doing the same thing I did to my arm. Nobody knows I do this, my friends would think I've gone crazy and my parents wouldn't understand. Nobody understands. I pressed a black cloth to the cuts I just made. I wish at least one person would understand, but if I told anyone they would all just think I'm crazy and depressed. Something that nobody understands is why people do this to themselves, but the truth is you wouldn't understand. I placed my blade carefully into the rag, wrapping it lightly. I stood up and pulled down my sleeves and my shorts, walking over to my bed I placed the rag under my pillow. I hopped into bed right as there were 3 knocks at my door, "Come in." I yelled. "We are going to bed" My mom said. "Okay, goodnight mom.". "Goodnight Juliette." She shut the door slowly as I turned out my light. "Another day to pretend I'm alright". I mumbled to myself.

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