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A girl with sad eyes and a heart full of love to give someone,
sits down
and she grabs her pen
and begins to write

What is love?

Is it lips?
locked to each other?

that can drown out the noise of the world,
And even stop time itself?

The softest voice,
that can whisper your name,
And you still hear it across the room of a thousand souls?

that makes your heart skip a beat,
And your cheekbones get a little hot when it touches yours?

Is it watching a sunset?
Or dancing under a bowl of glowing stars?
Maybe it's counting them.

Is it rolling down the windows and singing your hearts out to the music,
Going 20 over
During the night?

Is it night hiking?
or just being around them in general
Watching how the sun makes their hair shine,
Their eyes sparkle,
Their skin glow.
Watching the light trace every detail of the skin that is available at plain eye sight?

It's holding someone close-
Listening to their heartbeat-
Listening to their breathing.

Maybe it's laughing over stupid jokes?

Is it,
Taking photos of them while they sleep,
Or while they're caught off guard?

Is it their sweater or hoodie?
And keeping it for the night
Just to keep their scent with you.

Maybe it's someone-
Calling just to hear your voice-
Even if you're crying.

Is it someone pulling you close to feel your lips on theirs-
Just one more time before you leave?

Is it someone who pulls your hands in and intertwines them with theirs,
Just because?

Is it someone who just texts you randomly,
Just because?

Is it someone who takes a nap with you-
Just to hold you close
And feel safe in their arms?

Is it someone who soothes your hair,
Then tells you it's going to be okay-
Even when the world is spinning.

is it someone who shows up randomly
just to see your face?

is it someone who's just as crazy
for you as they were the first
time they saw you?

I can only wonder.
I have never experienced such a thing.
I've only seen it in the movies.
A fairy tale.
Ones that only little girls watch,
And dream for.

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