He was still strongly holding her, he was furious and he didn't know how to translate those emotions. He had to remind himself she was still a woman and hitting her wouldn't be the best option.

"You disgust me Renee! Here I am, trusting you like the idiot I am. Thinking you're helping me out of good faith and this whole time" he laughed nervously "this whole time you were just trying to destroy my family, which you did"

"You just needed a little help from me, that's all and look now you're free"
She was totally delusional.

"You're crazy" he let her arm go and then said "get out of my house"

"We're not done talking baby"

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" he screamed.

"No" she wanted to stay, Renee clearly had mental problems but yet she wanted to stay after Kelly screamed to leave.

Seeing her not wanting to move, he grabbed her arm walking with her towards the door. He took her bag on the way and threw her out, throwing her bag right after her.

"I better no see you anymore"

He slammed the door, and let himself slide on the floor. He was thinking, why?

Why do all this?

He was angry at himself for not talking things through more with, for trusting Renee about this whole situation.

He felt bad for everything that happened in this short period of time.
At Stella's house, Jennifer and her were talking and making cookies with Olivia. She was full of flour but she was so cute trying to do like her mother.

"Thank you for bringing her even though it might cost me" she said a little sad.

"I'm sure it won't, Kelly will see for himself who this Renee truly is I'm sure" she smiled.

"You sure? Now that I look at it, I feel like we could have handle thing so differently. Me keeping his daughter from him made him go to Renee! And that woman is the worst"

"I believe you, but you have to trust that everything will go back to normal"

"And I want to" in that she took Olivia in her arms to forbid her from getting any more dirty "but I'm scared, will i be able to forget what he said or all of this?"

"You might not be able to forget baby girl but you can forgive, with a love like you guys have I'm sure you'll find yourself back to each other" she was sure of herself.

"How do you think he is doing?" She asked concerned.

"I think you should go see for yourself, he is your husband after all!"


"It's just a paper!" She then added "give me Olivia and go see him"

"Okay here" she gave her Olivia "i'm just going to change my shirt and I'm out"

And so she did and then drove all the way to his house. She knocked and waited for him to open.

"I thought I was clear with you Re..." and he stopped when he saw who was actually at the door.

She let out a little smile, those little blue eyes of his still made her happy. She was happy to see him even though she had just saw him not too long ago.

She came in and he closed the door behind her.

There was a good moment of silence, of both of them looking at each intensely. It's like they could hear each others heart.

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