"What the fuck is happening here, Dahlia? Make it make sense! Why's she touching you? Why're you letting her touch you?"

So, I explained the whole thing the best I could, probably not very good, and tried to keep her from getting even angrier, but I did a shit job at that.

"That fucking bitch really does have big balls, but she's so stupid. She really fucking thinks she's gonna get away with this?" She scoffed. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I was scared you'd do that." I sent her a pointed look as I thought about what'd just happened a few minutes ago. "I don't want you to get in trouble again, especially not for me."

"Fuck that! Dahlia, this little bitch is literally threatening to tell everyone about what happened to you, of course, I'm gonna wanna beat her ass."

"I know, I just—just don't do that. Don't do anything, okay? This will all be fine! She's not gonna tell anyone because I'm just—I'm gonna just do what she says and then she won't—"

"Do what she says? She wants you to stop talking to me completely!" Billie spat. "You're gonna do that?"

"No! N-No. No. I'm just—we can make her think we aren't talking anymore. I can tell her that we stopped and then—"

"So, what, we're supposed to sneak around like Romeo and fucking Juliet?" She grumbled. "That's childish, Dahlia, I'm not doing that. That bitch doesn't own you. She can't decide who you can and can't talk to."

"She kinda fucking does own me. I don't want people to know—"

"How long does this go on for then, huh? Til she gets tired of you and finally dumps you, whenever that happens? You're just supposed to spend the rest of your high school years doing whatever she tells you because she's blackmailing you?"

"I guess." I huffed. "I don't know what the fuck else to do."

"Fucking handle it! Like a big girl! I get that you don't like confrontation or whatever the fuck but this is ridiculous."

I shook my head, letting out a small laugh as I ran my fingers through my hair. "It's not that fucking easy, Billie. Obviously, she's not above doing something crazy like exposing—"

"So you're gonna let her control your life?" She questioned again.

I sighed and looked away from her. I don't know what she expects me to do here.

"I'm not gonna sneak around with you, Dahlia, that's ridiculous."

"She doesn't want me to talk to you."

"Fine. You wanna do whatever she fucking tells you? Stop talking to me. And get the fuck out."

I stared at her, shocked. I don't know how I was expecting her to react, but this wasn't it. I can't believe she can't understand why I'm trying to do what Kai says or at least make her think I am. If I don't then she'll just do exactly what she did the last time. Prove her fucking point by doing exactly what she said she'd do.

"You don't fucking mean that." I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest. She reached over me and opened my door before pointing out. I scoffed before climbing out and slamming the door shut behind me.

Fine. Billie won't budge on this so maybe I can sweet talk Kai into letting me stay friends with her.


I waited until school was officially over and then texted Kai, telling her to meet me behind the bleachers on the track field. I told Denny that he and Cora could go on home and I'd catch a ride with Caden and Cadence so they wouldn't be waiting around for me.

It took Kai a good fifteen minutes to come over, and I spent the whole time pacing back and forth both out of nerves and out of anger. I really thought that Billie would understand why I was asking her to just keep our friendship on the low. It's not like it would've been forever. I'm sure eventually I'll figure out how to deal with Kai.

"Kai, Billie's my friend and I'm sorry, but I just can't stop talking to her." I blurted the second I saw her and she was within earshot. She looked angry, as I'd expected. We hadn't spoken since the incident with Billie earlier today, and now here I am asking if I could stay friends with the girl who'd just threatened to beat her up once again. "I—I know you want me to, but seriously, I can't. I just wa—"

I was cut off by the feeling of her fist connecting with my jaw. I gasped as I quickly brought a hand up to feel the area she'd punched, checking for damage. "What the actual fuck?!"

"You just can't follow simple instructions, can you? The fucking second she comes around all your common sense flies out the window! I told you I don't want you talking to her anymore and you're still doing it, and not only that, but you got her to threaten me? Again? Really?!"

"I did not tell her to—"

"I don't know why I thought this could work. I don't know why I thought you could just do what I said and we could be happy again." She spat before shoving me backward. "I should just tell everyone—"

"N-No." I shook my head quickly. "Listen, Kai, we can just talk about this and—"

"There's nothing to talk about you pathetic little bitch! God, you deserve everything you're gonna get. I told you before and I'm gonna tell you again. When Kai Dipper wants something she gets it! You want Billie so bad, huh? Well, she isn't gonna want you when she sees you like this." She yelled before punching me once again. This time, I was knocked off my feet. I winced as I tried to get back up, but before I could I heard loud footsteps running our way.

"Beat her ass, ladies." Kai said before walking off. My eyes widened as I looked around and saw three girls I didn't know staring right down at me. I tried to get back to my feet as fast as I could, but before I could even make it to my knees they were stomping me repeatedly, throwing a few punches here and there as I tried to get away from them. It was only a matter of minutes before I was unconscious.

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared {Billie Eilish}Where stories live. Discover now