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Somehow I managed to hide just how much he had said got to me. Or at least he decided not to comment on it, which I was unbelievably grateful for. Instead he changed the topic.

"So... anyway, what have you been doing this past week? Was it as busy as you thought it would be?"

I could tell he was genuinely curious, he didn't just ask this to be polite. I took a deep breath. I would continue to use busy as a euphemism for sad, so I nodded. "Yeah, it was. Uhm.. just work, you know?"

Brian hummed in confirmation and got a piece of pizza for himself, looking at me expectantly. Apparently he expected a detailed report of what I had done this past week.

So, I continued. "Uhm, I had a couple of tests in my classes, and from what I could see my students did better than expected, so that is always a sign my lessons are effective."

Brian smiled a little. "I never doubted that, you do seem like the kind of teacher I'd love for my kids to have."

That was an unusual, but therefore very fitting compliment. "Thank you.." I took a deep breath when something else crossed my mind. "I feel like I should warn you though... my colleague saw you dropping me off at work, and... I told her repeatedly that you are a good friend, but she recognised you and now she's convinced that there's something happening between us. I told her there isn't, even before she recognised you, and after, I made her promise to keep it to herself, but I think because I said that I wouldn't introduce her to you she felt like getting back at me for that and started spreading rumours about us..."

"Rumours that we are together?" He asked, seeming slightly confused.

"I guess so. No one has actually said anything to me about it, but I do notice the curious looks and the whispers behind my back..."

"I'm sorry, Frida," he said compassionately, placing his hand on my back. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that because of me."

That surprised me a little. "It's not your fault, it's hers. I told her you're not up for meeting fans at the moment, but maybe in the future. Apparently that wasn't good enough for her and she's not the nice person I thought she was."

"I'm sorry... I'm used to rumours being spread about me, but I'm sorry you're being dragged into this, you deserve better."

I shrugged a little. "I don't mind... I mean, maybe I do, but at the moment I honestly just don't care about that. I just wanted to warn you in case you saw some headlines and thought I had said something to the press."

"I wouldn't have thought that, Frida. Don't worry about that, please." He took my hand in his for a moment as an attempt to reassure me. "I don't read papers anyway, that's just a huge waste of time. Especially the papers which would write such a story. But I do appreciate you telling me that. If you're being bothered by the press, let me know and I'll do something about it, okay?"

I wrapped my fingers around his and smiled a little. It was comforting. "Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm glad you're not upset."

He sighed and shook his head. "Those people aren't worth wasting my time on."

"That's probably a good attitude, yeah. I just thought if I try to actively fight the rumours, they'll think it's true, so I haven't said anything at all."

"That's the best thing to do, yes. Just let them do their thing. If they know they get to you it'll only encourage them. My kids are more mature than they are."

That made me smile a little, it seemed like an accurate comparison. "You can be proud of your kids. They sound pretty awesome."

"They are," he said with a small smile. "You know, Jimmy has been asking about you again.."

Unexpected Encounters [B.H.M.]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora