Chapter // Twelve

Start from the beginning

"Come on! It'll be so much fun!" Luke whisper yells from outside my window.

I turn my head. "I don't know." I say unsure. It's 12:29 AM and everyone is asleep. Everyone but me and him.

"The moon is beautiful tonight! Come on please, it'll be an unexpected adventure!" He says.

I bite my lip. "Okay! Give me a few minutes!" I whisper yell. I turn around and change into some black leggings, some combat boots, an old Blink 182 shirt and put a hoodie over it. I leave my hair down in messy waves and look out the window.

"Catch me!" I say and jump. He catches me bridal style and kisses me. I laugh into the kiss and we make our way to the park.

"A late night picnic?" I laugh.

"Heck yeah! The moon is so beautiful like you." He says and we lay down on the grass.

I lay on his chest and we stare at the moon together.

"It really is beautiful." I say.

I feel him nod his head. "Hey Alex?" He asks. I prop myself up.

"Yeah?" I ask and look into his eyes. He takes his lip ring in between his teeth and looks into my eyes.

"I love you." He breathes out and I nearly faint. It's the first time he's ever said it.

Do I love him?

I stay quiet for a few minutes, just looking into his ocean eyes.

"I love You, Luke." I breathe out.

He smiles and laughs. "I was getting scared." I laugh and we start kissing. His lips perfectly fit with mine. Our bodies fit together, my small one with his large one.

He eventually falls asleep. And I realize that l fell in love with the way he slept, slowly then all at once.

"I guess you're right Alex." He whispers and starts to lean in. For a moment, I start leaning in too but then I snap back into reality.

I have no memory with him.

I clear my throat and lean back onto the grass. He looks hurt for a moment but then he lets it go.

"I bet you already know about me." I sigh/chuckle and look down and fiddle with my fingers.

He gets on his side and props himself up with an elbow.

"Yeah but I'd love to hear it all over again." He half smiles.

I laugh. "Maybe you should tell me about me."

He roams his eyes over me. "Okay." He whispers.

He tells me everything about me. I can sit here and say that he never seems to miss a single thing. It almost makes me cry. At one point he just closes his eyes and pours out everything about me. My past, my thoughts, my emotions, what I love, what I hate, who I love, my pet peeves, little intricate details that weave together to form me.

"All I can say is that... You're absolutely perfect." He breathes out.

My heart starts beating faster. Hunter never talked to me the way Luke did. Never. Not once. It just makes me think about the truth.

I bite my lip. Luke stares at me.

"I'm going to do whatever I can to make your memory return, okay?" He says.

I nod my head. "Okay." My phone buzzes. "Hunter" appears on the screen.

Hey, where are you?

I text him back. At the park.

Well you better get home. Your mom is worried.

I sigh. He always seem to control me. It's like he wants to please my mom all the time. It frustrates me. I'm old enough to make my own decisions.

"Luke, I have to go." I say and get up. Wiping grass blades off of me.

Luke gets up. "Okay, um.." He trails off and puts his fists in his pockets.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Can I get a hug?" He shyly smiles.

I smile. "Sure." I wrap my arms around his torso and snuggle my face into his neck. His arms go around my waist and we stay there for what seems forever. His steady heart beat makes me feel so safe with him.

"Please don't go." He mumbles into my hair, thinking that I didn't hear him.

I let go and back up. "Bye Luke, maybe we can do this again someday."

His eyes lighten up. "Can that 'someday' be tomorrow at 8? Here again?"

I bite my lip. "Yes." I say.

He smiles so big that it's so hard to think that he's ever cried or been hurt.

"It's a date?" He asks.

"Maybe." I say.

He chuckles. "Maybe the 'maybe' will be a 'yes' one day." He says and winks.

I laugh. "Maybe. Goodbye Luke." I smile and walk away.

I didn't know who Lucas Robert Hemmings was a few hours ago but now, I know him more than anything I ever imagined. The way little Sunday's hit his face. The ice blue eyes that could make or break you. His lip ring that never seemed to be out of place. I also realize another thing:

I had memories today. Memories that seem like scattered puzzle pieces. And in the end, a beautiful picture would be made. Somehow I know it's wont be Hunter and Me.

It'll be Luke and Me.

Together. The way it's suppose to be.

All I have to do is remember.

But even that seems like an impossible task.

A/N Hey it's Xochitl again and personally want to say that this is literally one of the worst chapters I've ever written. Ever. I'm sorry I swear I'll do better Next Friday. But YAY OVER 700 READS IM EXCITEEDDDD THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING ILY

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