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Hey little munchkin,
Long time...no see!?
Where you have been,huh?

Your little fingers tangled between your cute hair style and excited feet jumping with joy when you saw daddy coming home,Everything about you is so amazing isn't it!?
Today i saw you hiding something...

Yes i am aware of you hiding your hands because they presented the more darker side of you, and why were you hiding behind the door to escape mum while she was trying to apply some concealer over your face!

I know you don't like your skin so much,I know people who told you that you weren't beautiful enough.

Sweetheart, I know every bit of you,I know when you held your best friend's hand and a girl with a fair skin snatched it from you.
I know you were teared apart when you were called the moon of the no moon day but Little princess just come to me soon and let me embellish you with all of my strength that i have
I won't let anybody touch you, carrying their harsh words and disgusting thoughts with them.

I'll comfort you and be tender than the soft cushion on your couch,I'll hold you in my arms, I'll leave you in the sky waiting for you to comeback in arms again, I'll croon lullabies in your ears,I'll bathe your dark skin,I'll polish your bright soul till it becomes brighter than the sun and calmer than the moon.

Also become a gorgeous mermaid when you grow up! Eat up all the octopus and crocodiles also the fishes that make fun of how you look! (hahahha)

Last note:
The world you are going to enter is full of game of cards and heartless hearts, your innocence would always drag you down but always remember to keep yourself full of wows, You are prettiest kid i've come across and you would always be apple of my eye! ( I aspire you grow up sooo well and uproot all the negativity and complex that surrounds you)
With all of love that i have.

Yours Only

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