First encounter

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Your pov

I just got dumped by my now ex-boyfriend, Daniel. He cheated on me and now I once again, felt alone. I wanted to lay in bed all day, eating icecream while balling my eyes out. But my brain didn't want that, it made me clean the house and wash the dishes. It then forced me to get groceries from the store and I stupidly and accidentally bumped into this blonde young man with blue crystals for eyes, at least I saw them like that. 

"Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was..." He stared up at me and immediately turned away, 

"I know I look bad, it's ok," I turn to run straight for my car in hopes of leaving this awkward situation but before I could leave he grabs my arm and says,

"Why would you say that about yourself, I think your pretty and well I just got a little flustered, I'm Lachlan by the way," he said with a pink flustered face,

"I'm Y/N and uh..." I stop mid sentence realising that fans had run towards me and Lachlan while snapping photos of us saying weird things like,

"Oh my god they are such a cute couple. Does that mean she is going into Click? Another youtuber dating a youtuber!" Wait, he was a youtuber? He is apart of Click? I was in the midst of my thoughts when I see Daniel walk past and blow smoke in my face after he lit a ciggarette, he knew I had asthma. As Lachlan explained to the fans that we weren't dating I started having an asthma attack and reached in my pocket for my inhaler. It wasn't there! I had left it in the car and I had to get it. I run to my car coughing and wheezing all the way there, my car wasn't to far from where we were standing and I could have walked there myself. I hear Lachlan call after me and I was about to reach my car until my lunges felt like they had closed forever and I blacked out.

Lachlan pov

"Look guys we aren't dating, it was just a little accident that's all," I look over and see Y/N running towards her car, she was coughing and I called out her name but she seemed to have fallen to the ground. I rush over and see that her face had gone purple, she was suffocating. I noticed the asthma puffer in her car and I knew from incidents with Cray that she had an asthma attack. I immediately grab my phone and called 000, in an attempt to save her I tried to use the puffer to help her but it didn't work, she wasn't breathing! The ambulance arrived and took her away to the hospital. I called Cray to tell him what happened.

C-Yo Lachy what up dog

L-Cray I have to make a quick stop to the hospital, I don't think I'll make it back in time.

C-Why? What happened?

L-This girl I just met started having an asthma attack and she past out on the way to her car.

C-Oh, well do you want us to come? 

L-No, I don't want to overwhelm her with everyone being there.

C-Ok, do you want me to tell the others?

L-Only if they ask

C-Ok Lachy, see ya soon

Your pov

I wake up feeling light headed and then I see the doctors crowding around me like I was a sick animal. 

"Miss Y/L/N, you can leave the hospital, your friend is waiting outside," I had no friends in Sydney, nor would they come down for me. I walk out and I see Lachlan pacing back and forth across the hall, he looks up and smiles at me. I walk over and hug him, at first he was surprised but then he hugged back.

"Let me take you home," he and gestures to his car,

"You are such a gentleman, but no thanks I'll walk." I didn't know what to say, he had saved my life but I just can't connect with anyone right now.

"Alright then, nice to meet you and I'll see you round." He had the cutest smile and I wish he was mine but I'm still not ready 

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