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"Boy, that hurt!!!" commented Israr, massaging his stomach, and then in a blink both of them got up to their legs, and Israr used fire attacks and Joshua used land based attacks but Lugia escaped them all. Then Israr shouted over,

"Joshua. . . twin boost!!!"

Joshua came running from the side, and caused an earthquake, then jumped behind Israr, dragged out two enormous pieces of land and crushed Lugia between them, then raised another piece of land under Israr and led him to a great height. From there, Israr jumped up even higher creating a giant fireball, and threw it at Lugia shouting "Terror Destroyer!!!". Lugia received all the hits and was pushed back screeching on the road. This got him really furious and he punched and threw them far away very hard, making them incapable of getting up. After that he gazed at them angrily narrowing his eyes watching them lying on the road helplessly, unable to get up, and then began walking away.

"Hey Lugia," shouted Israr, "turn around, will ya . . . I hate attacking from behind!!!"

At this Lugia was utterly surprised, and he turned and looked. Israr and Joshua were struggling hard to get up and finally with great effort they stood on their legs, panting hardly. Lugia got more heated, and the three started fighting again. But this time it was different, everytime Lugia attacked Joshua defended it, and Israr hit him hard at the same instant. It was a fabulous teamwork. Lugia was hardly able to lay a hand on them.

"BE GONE!!!" screamed Lugia very loudly.

"MYSTIC BLAST," he shouted and a huge purple blast hit Israr and Joshua, and they fell back far away bouncing on the road once, and then screeching to a halt. Contented that this time the heroes were down, Lugia began walking away. Then again suddenly he felt them getting up.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST STAY DOWN!!!" he shouted.

"Sorry, force of habit!!" remarked Israr, hardly able to speak.

"Annoying beings!!!" he screamed louder than ever, and in a flash he pulled out his gun, and fired at Joshua. It was completely spontaneous. Joshua didn't have anytime to move, and he saw the bullet nearing him,

"I'm done now, its all over for me!!" thought Joshua, loosing all hope of living. Israr forced out his flames, concentrated them to his legs and flew towards Joshua and pushed him, and Lugia's gun blast missed them, and zoomed forward and hit a car causing a huge blast, and Israr and Joshua covered themselves. The next instant they looked up, Lugia had vanished already, no where to be found. The heroes stood looking at eachother proudly, smiling and nodded at eachother.

They both sat on the road, their back against eachother as a support.

"That was fun!!" announced Joshua.

"You bet," replied Israr.

"It was soo cool right, all that beating up . . . man!!!, and the time, when I stopped him and you hit him soo cool . . . he must be really annoyed at us getting up again and again", said Joshua really excited giggling, and Israr nodded his head smiling agreeing with him.

Then the organisation's helicopter arrived and Israr and Joshua were brought back to base. Israr kept repeating ""Ouch . . . Ouch" with every step he took and Joshua laughed at him. Then Crawford rushed towards them.

"You guys fine?" he asked impatiently and caringly.

"Yep, we're fine," replied Israr, "just a couple minor bruises, that's all."

"You guys were remarkable," appreciated Crawford excitedly, "you guys were . . . just so . . . amazing. I watched the whole action through the satellite . . . you kids fought Lugia, just . . . really fantastic."

"I told you, we were a great team," remarked Israr, and gave Joshua a hi-fi.

"Hey chief, what did Lugia take? That device thing, what was it??" asked Israr.

"It's a device called Sonic Emitter," replied Crawford.

"Well, what does it do?" asked Joshua curiously.

"The Sonic Emitter is used to control mechanical objects from a large distance, but it can only control those mechanical objects that have sonic receivers inside them," replied Crawford.

"What would Lugia want with the Sonic Emitter??" produced Israr.

"Don't worry Israr, we're still working on it," replied Crawford.

"Hey . . . you always say that!!!" said Israr, and everyone in the room laughed.

Then Israr and Joshua were instantly medicated. They acted very brave at that time, it was as if, they were proud of their wounds. After that they went home.

As soon as Israr entered his house, Cecelia came running and hugged him tightly.

"Hey sissy . . . don't worry, I'm fine. . ." said Israr.

"Oh my God!!!" exclaimed Cecelia utterly worried, "you are fine right . . . sure . . . oh my God . . . I don't believe you fought Lugia!!!" she hugged Israr more tightly, then left him. Israr smiled and replied,

"Yep, like its said, all big stuffs come in small packages," and they both laughed.

After ensuring Israr was fine, Cecelia left for her house.

You'll Never Know Chronicles: Beginning Of A New RevolutionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora