Chapter 1

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I tapped aimlessly on my laptop as I sat in the empty meeting room. I was the first one there, as usual. Not even our boss, who had called the meeting in the first place, was there yet.

I shook my head as I went to take a sip of my second cup of coffee. I had little to no sleep since I stayed up late finishing the next volume of my comic, and with this surprise morning meeting, I had to wake up ridiculously early.

As soon as my lips touched the boiling coffee I let out a yelp, and with my sudden action, the coffee spilled all over my dress shirt.

"Dammit." I silently cursed, wincing at the burning sensation.

I stood up and threw my coffee in the trash bin as I rushed out of the room towards my desk where a spare shirt of mine stayed. I sighed in relief when I saw it in the same place. With all the bad luck I'm having today this is an actual turn up. I thought to myself with a slight smile.

I hurriedly made my way to the bathroom to change, but as I walked in I realized that all the stalls were out of order. I went to the bathroom downstairs, but found the same thing, so I was forced to go to the bathroom on the main floor.

I studied myself in the mirror to make sure  I looked presentable, but as I took a glance at my watch I noticed that I wasted a lot more time than originally planned. Crap! I mentally shouted, bolting out of the bathroom.

I sped to the meeting room, taking the stairs instead of the slow elevators, believing that I could take myself to the third floor faster. When I opened the big doors everyone grew quiet to see who had loudly barged in the middle of a meeting. I felt my ears turn red with all the unwanted attention.

I bowed in the direction of my boss who was at the head of the table. "I'm sorry for my tardiness, sir, I got a bit held up." I told.

With one silent nod from the superior I quickly made my way over to sit beside Lee Sangyeon, my editor.

The meeting continued, but I was too caught up in getting all my things that I didn't notice everyone stand up to leave. As soon as I took out my sketchbook from the clutches of my backpack I saw everyone had already left except for Sanyeon and Ju Haknyeon, the heir of the Ju Comic Company, JCC.

I sighed for what seemed like the umpteenth time today, and let my head slam down on the table. Haknyeon flinched from where he was seated next to me, and I felt Sangyeon pet my hair lovingly.

"What's wrong Younghoonie?" The latter asked.

I lifted my head only to reveal a frown on my face. I let out an even longer sigh than before, it taking all my happiness away.

"Aww!" The two men cooed, each pinching one of my cheeks.

I gave them each a glare as I swatted their hands away. "I'm already having a bad day, I don't need you guys making it worse." I said, rubbing my temples.

Haknyeon opened his mouth to say something, but his phone suddenly rang, interrupting him. He checked the caller ID, and stood up from his chair.

He pouted, and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "I'm sorry that I can't be of help, but please try to look on the bright side, hyung." He beamed, making his way to the door.

"But there is no bright side!" I cried, throwing my hands up only for them to come back down to the table along with my head.

Haknyeon raised an eyebrow and pointed to himself. "Hyung, I'm always the bright side." He responded.

Sangyeon nodded in agreement. "He's right." The elder added. Haknyeon sent two finger hearts to Sangyeon with a wink before leaving the meeting room. I furrowed my eyebrows at my two friends, but ignored their antics.

Sangyeon looked back to me, but soon widened his eyes. "Umm, Younghoon," He began hesitantly.

I tilted my head in confusion. "What?" I asked in worry.

Without responding, the elder took out his phone and used his front camera to show me the red bump I had forming on my forehead. My eyes widened as big as Sangyeon's, and I bit back a screech.

"I'll go get some ice." The elder said, rushing out of the door.

The sadness I felt returned, and I slammed my head back onto the table regardless of the throbbing pain on my head.

"Stop doing that!" I heard Sangyeon shout from down the hall.


When I finished work later that night I walked out of the company with heavy footsteps. I let out a breath which made a cloud of white smoke escape from my lips, a cold breeze sweeping it away. I began to make my way to my car which was parked far away due to all the spaces being taken earlier this morning.

I grumbled in self pity as I replayed the whole day in my mind. Fortunately, the bump on my head cleared up as fast as it had come, but it didn't stop my coworkers from teasing me.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I looked around. The city had begun to string Christmas lights around the shops, and decorate their windows with festive stickers.

I smiled at the thought of my favorite holiday getting closer. Maybe I should put a Christmas short in the magazine this year. I mentally told myself.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the loud music of a nearby bar I had come across. I shook my head in slight disappointment, but continued to walk.

I went back to thinking about my comic short, but I was quickly interrupted when a shout was heard. I glanced towards the loud noise to find a man in a suit wobbling out of the bar.

I tried to quicken my pace, but the strange man suddenly yelled in my direction. "Hey! Bean pole!" He shouted, pointing to me.

I slowly turned my head to find that he was already marching in my direction, but in the blink of an eye he began to fall forward, and I rushed over to catch him.

I groaned at the sudden weight in my arms. "Damn, what the hell?" I muttered.

My eyes widened as I looked down to the person in my arms. At that moment the wind stopped blowing, the cars stopped honking, and the people stopped talking. The whole world went silent as I stared down at the drunken man I had caught.

Heyyy guys! 👋👋👋
With request I made a Bbangkyu story!!! I'll try to update as much as possible so please love and support 💙


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