Over Kill

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Obsidian lay across the bench in her cell. Her robotic arm, standing out from her black mechanics uniform and dirty glove on her other hand, clicked away, making the only sound to be heard in the room as even her breathing was silent. How long had she been in there? She didn't know. But what she did know what that she had an urge. An urge to dethrone the bastard ruling this kingdom.

King Turlock ruled with an iron fist and suppressed his people. But, unfortunately for him a trio formed to fight against him with Obsidian as one of the members. Obsidian used heavy weaponry to fight with while the other two are a shapeshifter and sorceress.

Her arm continued to make its ticking noise, enabling her to count down how much more time until chaos hit. You see, Obsidian was a plant, a distraction to the main plan the trio had generated, and it was nearing time for her to make her move.

Several floors above the dungeons, that held Obsidian, was the towering upper sections of King Truluck's massive gold kingdom. Fifty stories tall and reaching twenty-seven miles wide in all directions. Circumphansing the entire kingdom was a barrier that the king and people believed would protect them from danger. Though the people hoped someone would be strong enough to blast past it to save them from damnation.

The ticking noise came to a stop, indicating to Obsidian that it was time to move. A smirk spread across her grease stained face as she lifted herself from the bench and faced the door, the ticking noise returned. "Knock, knock," She stated with an amused voice before generating her rocket launcher, which was decorated with various gears, and pulled the trigger. The rocket that fired from her weapon struck the door and blasted it, a good portion of the wall, and the guards into pieces. Degenerating her weapon, she picked up her top hat, placing it on her head, and tipped the edge with her fingers, "Here I come."

Beyond the barrier flew a massive bird with a rider. The shapeshifter and sorceress had arrived and were rearing to strike.

The sorceress readied her cards and summoned a neutralizer spell, coupling it with a fireball and strength booster spells, before sending a massive blast of fiery hot magic that scorched the barrier deep into its generator, resulting in it exploding in front of the workers present. The barrier failed then, enabling the two to enter the kingdom at high speed. It did not take them long before they reached the center of the kingdom, where the king lived. Diving downwards, the shapeshifter, Mayhem, plummeted fast. The sorceress readied herself, cards floating around her, before leaping off of Mayhem and landing in a roll before blasting electricity at the nearby guards, her forest green coat billowed behind her while her green top hat with a black band around it covered her face in shadow. Behind her, Mayhem can be heard crashing straight through the building for many floors. With how dense she can make her outer shell to impacts, she could do that without feeling pain or taking damage.

The sorceress stood and started walking through the hallway, shooting one spell after another at the guards, stopping them in their tracks. Thibadeaux knew her way around spells and had no desire to hold back. She made sure to keep up shields on herself, just incase someone did manage to hit her, good thing too. A group of four mages had charged at her, spells flying at her.

Obsidian, at this time, was running up stairs after stairs, clearing out the guards before she reached the lift she was after. Jumping on it, she put a bullet in the heads of the guards on it before they could react. After tossing the guards off the lift, she spun her metal wrist once, activating the overdrive feature her arm had, before placing it on the control panel. Up she went at high speed. Pulling her rocket launcher back out, she aimed, and fired a shot that blasted through seven floors above where the lift ended.

As soon as the lift hit the end of its rope, the centrifugal force sent her skyward up all seven floors. Landing on the edge of the hole she had made on the upper floor, placing her at the tenth floor above ground level after all the stairs she had ran up, she drew her minigun that had chains dangling from the handle. "Fire in the hole," She shouted excitedly as she mowed down the guards as a major rumbling and crashing noise grew only louder before Mayhem crashed through one last floor above them, reverting from the bird form to her normal form of a one armed, one eyed woman with a claymore sword in hand. Her light blue cloak that covered her right shoulder, and her lacking right arm, settled around her frame as Obsidian finished off the last guard, one that had tried to run away out of fear.

Mayhem leapt lightly over Obsidian's hole in the floor before coming to stand beside her. "Let's play," Mayhem said cheekily, bringing out a laugh from the other. "Make sure to not let anyone get you from the left," Obsidian stated, referring to Mayhem's missing left eye, all the while knowing full well she had no problem decapitating a head to her left.

Thibadeaux was still engaging the mages and found she was struggling to kill them since they attacked quickly. Deciding to bide her time, she put up shields to take the damage while she set up her cards. Using several attack booster spells on herself and her card of choice, she quickly turned the tables and casted her Forest Lord card. As her summoned Forest Lord stood and roared, the mages cowered and tried to make a run for it, fearing for their lives. But, they did not succeed as the Forest Lord wiped the floor with them before vanishing, leaving a few more dead bodies for Thibadeaux to walk past. "THAT was overkill," She said aloud and laughed.

While Thibadeaux made her way towards the throne room, where King Turlock waited in fear and hatred, the other two jumped into the air ducts after finding the air shaft they wanted. Sheathing her bloodsoaked claymore, Mayhem grabbed Obsidian's hand and changed their shape to that of two orbs, then flew them into the shaft and made their way up the floors with quite a few clangs at joints in the air ducts.

Thibadeaux reached the throne room first, as planned. Blasting the doors open she strode in with notable confidence in her stride. She glared down the king who struggled to hide his fear. "What manner of magic do you possess to break down my barrier?" He shouted at the sorceress, to which she replied, "Obviously not what you expected." Now she waited a few more moments for the other two to show up.

"That doesn't answer my question," The king shouted back but was silenced by a banging noise that echoed in the walls. Thibadeaux facepalmed, knowing what was going on. The king cowered as the noise grew louder before two orbs crashed through the ceiling and reverted back into Obsidian and Mayhem's actual forms.

Obsidian clutched her head as she said aloud, "I am NOT going through air ducts with you again!" Mayhem let go of her hand and then placed her hand over Obsidian's mouth before saying, "Hold that thought." Mayhem turned from a briefly confused Obsidian to a cowering Turlock. She blinked her eye once then shapeshifted her cloak into an oversized bat that reached a whopping ten feet in length and four feet in diameter. "BATTER UP!!" She shouted loud before bating the king out of the room and out of the building completely.

"Yep. Overkill," Mayhem stated with a wide grin on her face. "Well now that the king is dead," Obsidian said while thinking the king might not be quite yet, "Can we get pastries now? I heard a couple guards talking about a really good pastry shop in town."

As the trio went to the pastry shop and enjoyed themselves, the citizens celebrated their king's death with glee.

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