Chapter 12

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Felicity jumped off her bike in a quick manner, eager to get inside.

"You're sister is in here," Felicity pushed the french double doors open and walked inside to see Oliver and Natasha standing awkwardly away from each other. "Everyone still alive?"

Natasha broke into a sprint and ran to her sister. "Sara!" Natasha threw her arms around her sister in a tight embrace. "What... How is this possible?"

Felicity walked over and they're eyes locked. "Relieved?" Felicity asked him.

"No, not al all, I knew she was alive. It wasn't possible for Sara just to 'die'. A simple death will not bring Sara to her grave." Oliver put a hand on Felicity's shoulder. "What about you? Did you believe that Dara was gone?"

Felicity's smiled. "I... A lot of weird things have happened to me since I have joined S.H.I.E.L.D. that I never thought would have."

"What did you mean by this wasn't a coincidence?"

Felicity bit her lip. "Noth - " Felicity thought about it. The dark deep feeling of lies seeing back into her. "I saw.... I know that this is crazy, I know that I’ll sound crazy, but…” Felicity sighed and Oliver put a hand on her shoulder. “I saw Brian, Oliver, I saw him. He pushed me up against the wall, and for a spilt second he was there. I don’t have an explanation of why this is happening, but dead people are coming alive, live people are dying and Senka is having weird stuff happen too? I don’t know what’s happening, but I know where I’ll start,” Felicity ran upstairs quickly and grabbed the first aid kit.

Inside were multiple vials and a few needles.

“What are you doing?” Oliver asked. “You’re gonna poke yourself?”

Felicity grimaced, “No matter what I’ve been through, still hate needles,” she said simply. “Can you do it for me?” she asked.

Oliver eyebrow raised and he rolled his eyes giving up. “Sure,” he said not irritated, but he didn’t want to stick Felicity with anything… Well, Oliver thought about it with a no-showing smile, almost anything.

“Arm,” he said holding his hand out to take hers. Felicity found her vein and pointed to it. “Right there? Okay,” Oliver loaded the syringe and Felicity jumped up and down trying to loosen up. “You’ve felt worse pain right?” Felicity looked up and him and nodded slowly, “Just think about how that felt. How long it took and how short this little pinch will feel. Just… look at me.”

Felicity did. Felicity’s bright blue eyes locked with his. “Why are you here?” Felicity asked. “I’ve caused you so much pain, why are you still around?”

“I… Whenever you are here, I just feel like I can be the hero you always saw that I could be,” Oliver waited a little longer. Felicity wasn’t yet completely distracted. “I don’t know what you saw in me,” he admitted. “I’m stubborn, and rude beyond compare and-“

“What I see in you,” Felicity corrected. “You act like that all of those things for one reason. You don’t like you can be happy. I made you think that after I left you, it’s all my fault. A lot of things are my fault,” she whispered. “I’m sorry about what I did, I shouldn’t have left. It was foolish too, why I did was out of jealousy and I shouldn’t have gone.”

“Then why did you stay in New York?” Oliver asked.

“I stayed… Because I saw you sleep with Isobel Rochev. More than once, actually," when she saw Oliver grimace she said quickly, "It’s alright. I don’t hate you for it, I understand. Men have needs, and you needed to get your mind off of me. I understand,” Felicity smiled sadly.

Shielded Arrow (Oliver and Felicity -Olicity- Fanfiction) ~2nd book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now