A prisoner, much like myself, only I agreed to the demands of this sick and twisted army.

Because I knew there was only one person who could destroy the one who betrayed me.

I walked behind the Khan as he threw open the doors, causing servants in the main hall to scream and flee. The Khan ordered their deaths, save for the women. His guards obeyed, whipping out their bows and shooting the arrows into the backs of the innocent. I ignored the blood shed, simply walked at the Khan heels as he walked up the two flights of stairs to Naosia's room.

The Khan looked at me and I bowed before stepping forward, pressing my ear to the door. I closed my eyes, then stepped back, staring at the doors. They flew open by themselves so powerfully, they flew off their hinges and exploded into the room. They flew across a large futon and out the balcony windows to the ground below.

I stepped inside first and heard the twang of a bow releasing an arrow, but it stopped just inches from my temple before clattering to the ground. The Khan laughed heartily, but remained where he was.

I was bait.

I was his marionette and whatever string he pulled, I would obey.

And the next string he pulled was that I kill the guards in the room.

I entered the room further, then turned around to see the guards against the walls on the same side of the room as the door so I was facing the Khan, who watched me intently. His guards stood around him, aiming at me in case I was to turn against him.

But I never would.

I was a loyal puppet. I always was.

I held my hands and flicked my fingers. All the guards choked as some invisible force slit their throats. They gagged on their own blood, clattering to the floor. I lowered my hands to my sides, then bowed to the Khan as he stepped into the room, scanning it over as he ordered his guards to search the closets.

It only took seconds to find Naosia, holding the dagger to protect himself, but it did nothing against the Khan's guards as they wrestled the dagger away so it fell to the floor. The Khan came forward, with me at his side. He said something in his native language, but I didn't waste my magic to understand it. I just stood there, staring at Naosia as he panted hard, blood dripping down one corner of his mouth.

He looked older, more fragile. Pathetic. His dark hair was fading in color and his dark eyes no longer sparkled. Lines were etched into his angry expression as he spat at the Khan's feet. The Khan only smirked, then bent down and scooped the dagger up. He studied it before flicking it away as if it were a tooth pick before he reached to his sword, unsheathing it.

I watched, my eyes wide with desperate interest as the Khan swung the sword back.

"Bear witness to the death of the only mate willing to kill his other half for power." I breathed, reaching up and pulling my veil down. Naosia's eyes were flickering frantically before they locked on me, widening.


The Khan swung his sword around, the blade slicing into Naosia's throat deeply. The guard holding Naosia by his hair ended up only holding his head as Naosia's body slumped to the floor, blood splashing in thick puddles. I watched intently as blood oozed from Naosia's decapitated head, his eyes still open and staring, his lips still parted as if in a futile attempt to finish his final word.

My vision blurred and it took me a moment to realize I was crying. I blinked, feeling the hot salty tears slide down my cheeks. I went to wipe the tears away, but I winced as the Khan swung his hand out, slapping me hard across the cheek. I jerked my head up, touching my throbbing jaw that felt like it had broken off. He stared down at me, emotionless.

The Sorcerer's Lullaby [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now