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Ight so what we finna do is skip the prom thing and go straight to the night before graduation and the day of.... soo yeah this might be two chapters long I don't know but y'all will find out🌚on with the story now🌚‼️

1062 word count💃🏾💕

Amelia's P.O.V.
Dad does She really have to go why can't she stay at home or go suck somebody else nasty dick I said rolling my eyes

"Now Amelia we been through this too many times she going to the graduation either way no arguing back" My dad said

That's why she got the herps I said mumbling

"What was that" My dad said

Hm nothing I said paying for the dress

"Girl Jahseh finna be in love when he see you" Cassie said paying for her dress

"Both of girls are going to look beautiful" My dad said to me and Cassie

Thanks dad me and Cassie said smiling we heard the car horn I rolled my eyes

But did she really have to come with us I said getting mad all over again

"Yes she did if she's gonna be apart of the family she's gonna have to be involved in family things" My dad said

It was better when she left I said mumbling again Cassie must have heard me cause she started giggling

We got in the car and She started talking to me and Cassie I put my headphones in quickly because I didn't wanna hear her

Then my dad waved his hand in my face to get my attention

HUH I said he then signaled me to take my headphones out and then he pointed to Caitlyn I rolled my eyes and took a deep breathe

I took my headphones out and just looked at her yes Caitlyn I said

"What kind of dress did you get" Caitlyn said with a wicked smile

Ummm a dress i said and some shoes I said

"Can I see it" Caitlyn said

Umm no you can not I said smiling

Cassie then started laughing which made me laugh we were both in the back just dying laughing

"Okay" Caitlyn said

We got back home and I put my dress in my closet and made sure it was safe and secure I did the same with my shoes

I then heard a knock on my door I looked and it was my dad I'm for sure he was probably about to talk to me about this whole Caitlyn situation which gets annoying

Yes dad I said sitting on the bed

"Im sorry I know how much you hate Caitlyn so imma just end everything ima kick her out and everything" My dad said walking out

YES YES YES YES PERFECT MATTER FACT ILL DO IT LET ME DO IT I said jumping with joy and running to his room grabbing all of Caitlyn's stuff then something caught my attention

It was a note from Caitlyn I looked at it I know I wasn't suppose to but hey I did anyway the note said....

"No one understands the pain that I went through as a kid seeing my father abuse my mother and then my mother leaving me with my father so he would abuse me every night I couldn't take it

I really hate that Amelia and Cassie hate me I don't have them though they just always has the same hate towards me which is why I act the way I act towards them now

I just wanted to grow a bond with both of them they are like my daughters including Brandon which is like the annoying son I ever had this is like my family I did messed up shit last time and I'm gonna change

Just one wish is to make things between me Amelia and Cassie alright because I want to be the person they can talk to if they ever need anything..."

I looked at the note for a long time I took it out the room and I showed Cassie it I know it's hard to say this but I think we should give her a chance

"HA you funny" Cassie said laughing

I pointed to my face

"Oh you got a straight face....you serious" Cassie said

Yep I nodded

"Well.YOU CAN'T MAKE ME NOPE NU-UH"Cassie said sitting in the bed

I just grabbed her and she got up we went downstairs and my dad had all of Caitlyn's stuff at the door while she was sitting there walking out

Well say something Cassie

"Fine" Cassie said

"BYE CAITLYN I WON'T MISS YOU AT ALL"Cassie said smiling and waving

CASSIE I said me and Cassie then walked to Caitlyn

"Caitlyn wait" Cassie said

She then turned around "look if y'all gon laugh at me then laugh call me names slap me punch me do whatever" Caitlyn said

No you forgot something I said pulling the note out

"WHY DID YOU TOUCH IT" Caitlyn said

Look you don't gotta fake it now let's push all this to the side and start over I said reaching my hand out

Caitlyn then looked at my hand and then she shook it

I looked at Cassie and she was hesitating then she reached her hand out and Caitlyn shook hers

"Hey I'm Cassie" Cassie said

And I'm Amelia I said

"I'm Caitlyn" Caitlyn said smiling we all started laughing and talking about the graduation

We all walked back in the house and dad was just sitting on the couch pretty confused

"Wait so everyone gets along now" My dad said smiling

Yes me and Cassie said

"YESS" My dad said

Me and Caitlyn and Cassie went upstairs to my room and we started talking even more

"Hey I'll take you guys to the nail shop tomorrow" Caitlyn said

I mean we gon be running all day tomorrow you wanna come Me and Cassie getting our hair done but yeah we can get our nails done after I said

"Okay that's fine I can't wait for tomorrow see y'all in the morning goodnight" Caitlyn said

Goodnight me and Cassie said

"Damn so we was both wrong about her" Cassie said

Yeah I guess we were I said

"Well I'm finna go to sleep goodnight bestie" Cassie said kissing my cheek

Goodnight I said kissing her cheek back.

Crush on my Bully /XxxTentacion/Jahseh Onfroy {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now