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Amelia's P.O.V.
I woke up on a floor my eye sight was blurry I closed them tighter and opened my eyes my sight was better I looked at my hands and I touched my face my left eye had to be a black eye cause everytime I touched it it would hurt

I crawled over to a door and it was locked I got my phone out my leggings and I texted as many people as I could I had 30 missed calls from Jahseh and my bestie texted me I Texted my bestie and my dad he was blowing my phone up I texted my bestie and told her what happen I even showed her a picture of my black eye just in case she didn't believe me

*sent a image*


Girl I was trying to walk to my bus and these man came and took me and I got a black eye

GIRLLLL That's it I'm coming back and I'm finna come get you

Omg Cassie


I need to tell Jahseh

Tell him because he won't leave me alone he is mad worried about you

Okay brb

M I N E S💍💕😍


AMELIA OMG BABY R U OKAY!!!?!?! U had me worried about you why didn't you come to school

Look Jahseh please don't freak out when I show you this

*sent a image*




LOOK I was walking to the bus and These men came and took me they kidnapped me and one of them punched me in my eye Jahseh I'm scared please come find me do something and please tell my dad I know he is mad worried about me.

Okay turn your location on I'm finna come find you


*shared location*



What did Jahseh say and By the way I'm coming

He's going to find me and why

Girl because whoever took my bestie need a good ass whoopin

Girl you are too far by the time You come I would have already been found and at home

You know what you right to make it better fuck it I'm not staying in Alabama anymore I'm moving back to Florida

YOU ARE!?!!!?!?

Yes because I knew it I would have never left you I was afraid something like this would happen I'm so sorry I had to leave you bestfriend I'm never doing that again I'm coming home😔❤️

Bestie it's okay it wasn't your fault

Imma see you soon and Imma be kicking ass see you soon

Bestie please stay with me

I FaceTimed her and showed her I was whispering so the men wouldn't hear me

Okay I just told my momma what happen she finna fly me down to Florida with allllll my stuff she got moving trucks and they are gonna drive

Okay bestie but it's not your fault I swear

I don't matter

Oh my god





Shit I said hanging up the phone......

Cassie's P.O.V.

Amelia what's going on r you okay

He's coming I just called 911 they are gonna be here soon

Okay bestie please hang in there helping is coming okay

Don't come looking for her she might be dead😈

Who the fuck is this and why the fuck do you have my Bestie

Because I can...We can and we are gonna kill her


no promises bye bye now


FUCK I said to myself I called Jahseh and told him what was happening I knew he was heated I felt the heat through my phone he was about to kill whoever has Amelia

Jahsehs P.O.V.

"Damn bro slow the fuck down this yo third stop sign you rolled pass" stokeley said

MAN I don't give a fuck about that somebody got my babygirl and now they gotta see me and they gave her a black eye that's not finna slide maybe I should give they girl a black eye so they can see how it feels

Amelia's P.O.V.

"GET HER" the man said as I was running well trying to

I felt hands grab my leg and making me tumble NOO GET OFF OF ME LET ME GO

They had a hard grip on my legs so I gave up I fell catching my self with my hands they pulled me back to where I was before this time I heard a girl voice

"Get up bitch" she said

Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want

She pulled her hoodie from off of her face

"I'm Geneva and you go out with my Boyfriend"

I froze there I thought to myself is he really cheating on me with this Geneva chick

"Payback bitch" she said punching me in my stomach causing me to curl up but I ain't no bitch so I took that shit like a boss

I got back up and punched her right in the face and got on top of her and made her hit her head pretty hard on floor I was winning already punched both of her eyes until she said


Those men had grabbed my and threw me off of her while Geneva got up and wiped the blood off her lip and told them to finish me as she went upstairs

They threw me against the Conor and they at first were kicking me in the stomach and legs I was able to get a punch in at one of the dudes but that was all they punched me in my stomach,chest,and Face and even lip

punch after punch after punch they finally finished me and I stayed in that Conor and I cried whispering to myself

I wanna go home.....I just wanna go home I wanna open my eyes and hope that this is a dream but it's not  what if I don't make it through the night I said to myself

I laid there thinking and thinking as my eye was throbbing and hurting my lip was busted I just wanted to look in a mirror and see if I still looked the same with my black eye and busted lip.

I whispered to myself again

Why would Jahseh do this to me I thought I was in love but I guess I was wrong...........all the way

Crush on my Bully /XxxTentacion/Jahseh Onfroy {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora