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*wakes up to your sound of your alarm.*
You:mom can you drive me to work?

Mom:why can't David (David is your bf)?

You:he has a flat tire (he was actually ignoring you)

Mom:k ,I'll be down in a minute


~time skip~

You : thx mom, love you

Mom:love you too

You:*walks in and starts to clean tables *
Manager:hurry up!!customers are coming.*pushes you and cleans it her self*

Your thoughts-this bitch really mfkn lucky I just don't smack her unibrow off.


~time skip~

You~hey what can I get you

Diego: let me get a coke,what do you want Alex?

Alex:umm let me get a sprite

Carlos:umm I'll get the same thing.

You:*writes it down*k I'll be right back

*gives them thier drinks*

You:and what would you like to eat?

Diego:umm I'll get a burger with fries.

Alex:I'll get pizza

Carlos:I'll just get a salad

You:any particular dressing


You:will that be all?


~time skip~

You call your boyfriend to pick you up because your mom has a night shift

You:hey can you pick me up


You:because my mom is at work,can you just pick me up,plz David?
(David is 17)


You:thank you.

*you walk outside and immediately he was being an asshole towards you*

You guys then start arguing on the parking lot,David raises his hand and.....


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