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Aneesah Muhammad bello

Mama~Aneesah's mom,mama is a young fulani woman in her mid thirties,she's fair in complexion ,beautiful and she's Also Aneesah's favourite

Abba~Aneesah's dad,a young gentle man in his mid fourties,Abba is Hausa but completely look like a fulani man,cause he grew up in a fulani land were he met hajiya Aisha (Aneesah's mom)
Ya asiya~Aneesahs elder sister who is married with two kids, ammar and manal they are twins and they are just 3yrs

Fadeel~a twin to fadeelah,Aneesahs younger brother who is just 15

Fadeelah~a twin to fadeel Aneesahs younger sister who is also 15

Ohhh yes😹dont get confused

Alhaji muhammad bello (Aneesah's dad) also has a twin brother but he passed away years back

So fadeel and fadeelah are his children💦that's Aneesahs siblings

Ammr and manal ya asiya's children

Abdulhaadi habib mourad

Ammi~haadi's mom, a young hausa woman in her mid thirties,who has been married to habib mourad(haadi's dad)for 24 years

Daddy~haadi's dad, who is in his late fourties,habib mourad is from Qatar(I don't know the tribe people from Qatar are though)

Yasmeen~haadi's immediate younger sister who is also Aneesah's good friend

Noor~haadi's younger sister who is just 4yrs she's so cute😻

Yo yo yo❤

So this is Aneesahs and haadi's small and unique family💕

Other characters will be introduced later on.....👏

Love y'all❤

Jealous heartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon