When our eyes meet again - part 2

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When Marinette was 4 years old, she had met a young boy with golden hair and the greenest eyes she had ever seen. The boy had come to the bakery with his mother (she didn't really remember what they had come for back then), but they must have taken a liking to it seeing as they came back almost every week after that. Or that's what she thought the reason was at least. She had been almost shaking with laughter when she found out she caused of all the visits. He had crossed his arms and pouted at her and it had been so adorable she couldn't help but tease him more. And luckily for her, he kept coming.

The boy's name was Adrien.

They had become best friends before they knew it and they were together most of the time. They would do everything from drawing together (meaning; she would create designs and he would make stick figures he was oddly proud of), gaming for hours on end and whatever they could come up with. She had even made Adrien her personal model to try out the different clothes she made. And her dad had so kindly, after a minor incident, decided to supply them with as much fabric they need (to a certain limit of course. Her parents weren't made of money).

She loved being with Adrien and she would never be able to forget the smile he wore when he was with her... But she wished she could forget the broken smile that slowly replaced it.


When she was around 11 years old, Adrien started coming over even more. It wasn't unusual for him to come over, but at some point he began to come early in the morning and only leaving when it became terribly late. She hadn't been at Adrien's place in a long time, but from what she could remember it was... tense. And if it had somehow gotten worse, she couldn't imagine how Adrien felt. She had tried bringing it up, but every time she did he would wear that broken smile and pretend nothing was wrong, and she couldn't bear to see it.

When he finally told her, almost a year later, that his parents were getting a divorce, she could almost see as something within him cracked. It was also the day he told her he and his mother were moving to New York, without the intention of coming back.


Before Adrien and his mother left for New York, they stopped by the bakery to say goodbye.

Adrien looked at her with a kind smile as he said goodbye, a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Stop that! You can use that fake smile with everyone else, but you are never allowed to use it on me". Adrien looked completely slack-jawed at her statement, but she didn't back down. "You're leaving, so at least don't do it while looking so insincere."

"I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault, but..." her smile faltered and she tried so hard to hold back the tears "I'm really going to miss you."

He pulled her in for a hug, closing the space separating them.

"I'm going to miss you too."

She put her arms around him as well and held him firmly in her embrace. They stood like that until Adrien's mother told him it was time to go, only then did they reluctantly separate. Her arms fell to her sides, feeling empty now that he didn't occupy them anymore. She waved goodbye as her tears ran down her face.

---A few months later---

When her alarm sounded almost threw it across the room so that she could go back to sleep. She ended up deciding against it. When she opened her eyes, a bright flash momentarily blinded her and for a couple of seconds she just sat in her bed waiting for the spots in her vision to disappear.

At least it's only my left eye that acting up.

When it died down she got out of bed and went to her vanity mirror to get ready for school. But she stopped dead in her track when she reached the mirror and saw her reflection. Her left eye had turned completely green. There wasn't even a sliver of blue left.

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