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Yagi Toshinori sat and waited for his wife. She was in a critical condition. He was afraid his wife and child wouldn't make it. The hero had never been more afraid in his entire life.

The doctor came out with an expression that the hero didn't want to see

"Your child will survive, but your wife..." the doctor trailed off

Yagi made his way to his wife and child. Inko laid weakly in the bed. She was as pale as death. Their newborn daughter in her hands.

She smiled at Yagi, and he smiled sadly at her.

There was no words said as they held hands and looked at their sleeping child. The little baby girl opened her eyes. Bright jade gems stared back at the two. But the child saw something.

She began to wail and cry and the child lit aflame.

The soft green hair grew into flames. Shocked and baffled Almight reached for their child. He scooped her into his arms and stared in horror as his wife burned in bright green flames.

The child giggled and laughed. For a moment he was terrified of the child. But when the flames died down, nothing was burnt. And Inko...

Inko looked as bright as life

Doctors rushed in.

They checked Inko and baby girl. They were both healthy and in top condition. They were all baffled. Yagi Toshinori more so. His daughter, a newly born saved her mother. She became their little hero, while having a completely unrelated quirk to them.

After some months, the hero brought his daughter to be tested and what he found shocked him. The quirk was a stockpiling quirk. He suspected it was because he was the holder of one for all. She also inherited a quirk from her maternal grandma. She has two quirks now.

As the years went by he never told his daughter Izuku about being Almight. And so he wondered what her reaction would be when she finds out.


Izuku POV

I was meeting up with my boyfriend to walk to school. I was happy. Well as happy as I could be. My childhood friend bullies me from time to time but I always managed to get past it. I heal myself so no one knows what happens to me.

I met my boyfriend when I was around the age of eight. At first we were good friends, but things began to change when we got older. I fell in love with him. To my surprise he was the first to confess to me.

I was so happy and I accepted his feelings.

As I waited for him, he never showed. I looked around and then finally came across the familiar dual coloured hair boy. His hands on another squeezing her ass, making her maon. Lips interlocked. I watched them break apart for air. The girl was well developed, almost more than most adult woman. Her hair tied in a pony tail. They looked into each other's eyes

Their eyes full of lust

Mismatched eyes met my own. A shocked expression meeting my horrified one. I turned and ran. I cried as I went. I thought I had gotten far but a cold hand caught me and turned me around.

At first I thought my only friend and love would apologize to me. Shouto Todoroki. But I was wrong.

"I'm sorry Yagi, but I'm breaking up with you. You were too slow and I couldn't wait anymore. I think it would be best if we saw other people"

He told me. The moment he was out of sight. I dropped to my knees and clung to my chest. The pain in my chest was painful. I felt I was suffocating as heavy tears ran down my cheeks.

Cold Hands Warm Heart, Healing Hands Broken Heart (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now