The Final Battle

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Every single one of them in the main hall started attacking their intruders. The Coat-rack whacks some of them in the head, rendering them unconscious at the power of his hits. Kim looks around in terror watching the villagers attack the moving objects. He had realized that Crazy Old Tom wasn't actually Crazy Old Tom.

Kim growled to himself as he saw an opening to get through all the chaos and narrows his eyes. He didn't have anytime to deal with this. He had to find that filthy beast.

Marinette and Tom sat in the cellar waiting patiently for the tiny ladybug themed tea cup to open the cellar doors. Somehow...

"Yes!" Tikki exclaimed as she successfully turned on Tom's invention for chopping wood. "Here we go!" Tikki jumped pulling a cord down, setting the machine in action. Tom looked through the crack to see a swinging axe coming their way.

"What the devil? Marinette, look out!" Tom said as he pushed Marinette out of the way just as an axe cut through the wooden cellar doors. Then the doors burst apart and the invention ran through the basement. Marinette and Tom watched in wonder as the tiny tea cup burst from the rubble.

"You guys gotta try this thing," Tikki said which made Marinette giggle and Tom to begin laughing.

The residents of the castle continue to attack the villagers. The villagers, still scared out of their minds, begin to retreat back to the village. Nathaniel smiled as he ran to the doors.

"And stay out!" He yelled as Nino hugged Nathaniel, who of course, shoved him off. But they were both very happy with how things ended but felt even worse that Marinette would not be coming back.

Kim opened the door the west wing, disgusted at all the chaos and mess. He smirked as soon as he saw the Beast sitting there doing nothing. He readied his bow and pulled an arrow out of his quiver. He pulled back the arrow just as the Chat Noir looked up at him.

Chat Noir looked at the young handsome man and sighed. Maybe this was the type of man that Marinette wanted. Not some type of beast. Chat Noir closed his eyes ready to meet his impending doom.

Kim released his hold and the arrow struck deep into Chat Noir's shoulder, making him roar like the monster that they all have come to know in the village. Kim laughed as Chat Noir stood up just as Kim rushed him and pushed him out the balcony.

The sky was dark and it was raining. Drenching both Chat Noir and Kim. Kim kicked Chat Noir off the balcony and Chat Noir rolls down the roof. Kim frowned as he jumped over the railing and walked towards Chat Noir. Seeing no reaction from him, Kim begins to kick Chat Noir but he just sits there, depressed.

"Get up! Get UP!" Kim yells as he wants a battle. "What's the matter, Beast?" Kim laughs in Chat Noir's face. "Too kind and gentle to fight back??" Chat Noir looks up at Kim, sadly which makes Kim even angrier. Kim rips off a piece of the roof and holds it like a baton. He holds it up ready to deal the finishing blow when a voice stopped him.

"No!" Marinette yells out (Ha! You thought I was going to end it there). Hearing that sweet voice, Chat Noir's whole perspective brightens as he sees the only girl who loves him for him. Not only seeing him as a beast but as a person. A person with feelings.

"Marinette." Chat says as he tries to stand up but miserably fails.

"No! Kim, don't!" Marinette pleads which makes Kim even more angrier than he was. Kim swings at Chat Noir but it stops in a giant black paw. Chat finally stands up and looks at Kim straight in the eye, then he roars. Kim now has the audacity to seem scared.

Marinette pulls the reigns on the horse and found newfound determination to help the one person she loves. "Let's go, Phillipe." Then they speed off towards the castle.

Chat Noir, now with newfound purpose, pushes Kim off parts of the roof. Kim glares at him and starts to chase him once Chat Noir tries to find Marinette. Kim smashes one of the gargoyles as he begins to ponder where Chat hit.

"Come on out and fight! Were you in love with her, Beast? Did you honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like me?" Kim asked as Chat Noir began to growl. Kim smirked as he began again to swing his club at Chat, pushing him into a corner.

"It's over, Beast! Marinette is mine!" Chat narrows his eyes as his paw encloses around his neck. Kim drops the club as Chat lifts Kim off the roof.

"Put me down. Put me down! Please, don't hurt me!" Kim pleads as he tries to claw Chat's hand off his throat. "I'll do anything! Anything!" Chat looks at Kim and then feels compassion for the man who tried to kill him. Chat pulls Kim back in and releases his grip on his throat.

"Get out," Chat's voice low and menacing as he shoves Kim to the ground.

"Chat Noir!" Marinette yelled from atop the balcony. Chat Noir smiled in pure happiness as he looked up to the one woman that he grew to love. His only reason for living.

"Marinette!" Chat yells and rushes toward the balcony. He begins to climb, higher and higher until he reaches the side and hangs off. "Marinette?" Chat hoisted himself over to look into those beautiful blue eyes. "You came back!" Marinette smiled at him and felt a pull towards him. Then Chat yelled out in pain as a dagger struck him in the back. Kim grinned evilly as he took out the dagger.

Kim got ready to stab him again but then Chat loses his balance. Marinette grabbed Chat's tunic and hoisted him up while Kim slides off. He screams as he plummeted to his death. Marinette lays Chat down on the ground and Chat hisses in pain.

"You came back," Chat whispers as Marinette takes his paw in her hand.

"Of course I came back. I couldn't let them..." Marinette trails down as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Oh this is all my fault. If only I'd gotten here sooner." Chat looked up and caressed Marinette's cheek with his hand.

"Maybe it's better this way," Chat said as Marinette shook her head. She could let him die, not right now.

"Don't talk like that.  You'll be alright.  We're together now, everything's going to be fine," she sniffed. "you'll see." Chat smiles as he felt his world turning dark. He knew his time was up.

"At least I got to see you one," Chat took in a shaky breath. "Last....time" Chat holds his hand there for a couple of seconds before letting it drop. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Taking his last breath. Marinette holds the paw before crying.

"No, no!  Please!  Please!  Please, don't leave me.  I love you..."

I know that I went MIA for a long time. I was actually staring at all of my fanfics and I felt so guilty. People continued to read these and I felt that I had left them all on such cliffhangers and I never got around to publishing the stories. But here I am now and I've decided that I'll try to update maybe during time since this is the AP Exams month and it will be hard.

This was actually a hard month for me. I've lost my aunt, who was very close to me. I've been falling into depression and I've been writing poems to try and help myself. But I've realized that this actually helps me a lot. You guys reading this helps me and I'm actually crying while reading this. Trying not to short circuit my computer.

Please understand if I don't update as much. Thank you. Thank you for continuing to put up with my sick antics and my non constant updating.

Beauty and the CatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora