The West Wing

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Sorry, I haven't updated in a while, guys. I have AP exams next week and I'm freaking out/ This is my outlet. So after my AP exams, I promise to update as much as I can. That's for understanding!


Marinette's P.O.V

"Oh, I couldn't possibly go to bed now. It's my first time in an enchanted castle." Nathanael makes a disgusted look.

"Enchanted? Who said anything about this castle being enchanted?" Nathanael looks at Nino who was trying to sneak away. "It was you wasn't it?" Nino and Nathanael start to fight. I sigh. This has to be an enchanted place.

"I figured it out myself." I watch as Nino and Nathanael stop fighting and look at me. And Nathanael dusts himself while Nino fixes his nose. "I'd like to look around if that's alright?" I looked expectantly at the clock and candle. Nino hops up to me expectantly.

"Oh, would you like a tour?" Nathanael pushes Nino to the side.

"Wait a second, wait a second. I'm not sure that's such a good idea." Nathanael pushes Nino in the corner and starts so whisper to him. I wonder what they're talking about. I kneel down and poke Nathanael in the belly. Surprisingly, it's kind of soft.

"Perhaps you could take me. I'm sure you know everything there is to know about the castle." Nathanael turns beet red as I complimented him.

"Well, actually, ah yes, I do!" I followed them down the hall. Looking at the intricate designs. This castle must be years old. It almost looks like it in the books I read.

"As you can see..." Nathanael kept walk kept walking as I looked around. There were so many suits of armor. Were they enchanted too? I then see the staircase. Nathanael isn't listening so I started to climb the stairs, but Nino and Nathanael block my way.

"What's up there?" Nino and Nathanael look at each other nervously.

"Where? Up there? Nothing. Absolutely nothing of interest at all in the West Wing. Dusty, dull, very boring." I frown. Nathanael was lying to me, but that makes it even more interesting.

"So that's the West Wing." Chat Noir said that earlier that I was forbidden. "I wonder what he's hiding up there." Nino shakes his head.

"Hiding? The master is hiding nothing!" I raise an eyebrow.

"Then it wouldn't be forbidden." I take a step over them, but they both block my way again.

"Perhaps mademoiselle would like to see something else. We have exquisite tapestries dating all the way back to..." I shake my head.

"Maybe later." I step over them again, but they block my away again.

"The gardens, or the library perhaps?" Nino mentions a library. A library. Of course, a castle would have a library.

"You have a library?" Nino and Nathanael nod their heads enthusiastically.

"Oh, yes! Indeed!" Nathanael looks at Nino.

"With books!" I giggle.

"Mountains of books!

"Forests of books!"


"Of books!"

"Swamps of books!"

"More books than you'll ever be able to read in a lifetime! Books on every subject ever studied, by every author who ever set pen to paper..." I start to follow them, but I tune back to the West Wing. It was all much too mysterious. I head down the hall. It looked so creepy here compared to the East Wing. Then I find a lone room. I look around to make sure that Chat Noir isn't there and push the door opened. It was a mess in here. Things were thrown on the floor, broken. Then I see a picture that catches my eye. The picture was torn. Maybe Chat Noir did this." I take the edge of the torn piece and put it back to find green eyes staring back at me. They seemed so full of life. I turn my head to find a glowing rose. I slowly walk towards it and stare at the glowing rose. I take off the covering and brush away a strand of hair from my face. I reach out to touch the rose then I see a figure land outside on the balcony. It was Chat Noir! He rushes over and puts the cover back on the rose.

"Why did you come here?" I could hear the anger growing in your voice. I start to back away.

"I'm sorry-" Chat sticks his face near mine and I could feel the warmth of his breath.

"I warned you never to come here!" I shake my head.

"I didn't mean any harm." Chat Noir seems to grow angrier.

"Do you realize what you could have done?" Then he begins to thrash around the furniture as I back away.

"Please, stop! NO!" I run away as I hear Chat's voice behind me screaming.


Chat Noir's P.O.V

I watch as Marinette leaves the room scared. I huff as I calm down, realizing what I have done. I sit down on the ground and curl up into a ball. What have I done? I don't have a chance anymore. 

Beauty and the CatNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ