Weekends; A Three-Part Mini-Opera - Whizzvin & Jason

Start from the beginning

I shifted again, this time my knees over his and my face right in front of his.

"You just wanna get take out?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"I'd like that," he smiled calmly and kissed me. I smiled into it, closing my eyes.


The next day, after I had returned home from picking up Jason from school, I turned on the oven to prepare for the steak that I was going to put in it.

"Do you wanna play chess?" Jason asked me, laying horizontally across the couch and watching the TV.

"Maybe later, bud," I told him, "I wouldn't want to leave the oven unattended. We already saw what happened last time."

Jason let out a laugh and went back to watching TV while also chatting with me.

Later, when the steak was done, Marvin wasn't home yet; however, Jason and I still ate the steak without him. After that, we played a few games of chess in which he beat me multiple times. Believe me, it was frustrating, but all worth it for that kid's smile.

The door opened, finally, and Marvin was home. He walked in, in a better mood today, and sighed; he was still upset, but not angry.

"Hey, dad!" Jason called out to him.

"Hey, Jase!" Marvin called back, then walked into the family room, "Listen, kid, can we talk?"

Jason's face turned red and he looked panicked; he probably thought he was in trouble.

"Um, sure."

Marvin signaled him to come to him and he obliged. His hand on Jason's shoulder, they walked to Jason's room.

Yeah, yeah, I know what they say, about how curiosity killed the cat, but as I sat on the couch, I couldn't help overhearing some of their conversation. Especially when Jason yelled.

"What?" he shouted, and I almost dropped my phone since I was scrolling through Instagram at the time.

I hurt for Jason when he said, "Weekends are supposed to be our days!"

"I know, kid, but I've tried and there's nothing I can do," Marvin replied, so soft I could barely hear him.

There was silence for awhile, but Jason spoke up again.

"You're a liar. I bet you didn't even do anything!" his voice started to sound watery and I began getting worried.

"Jason, listen!" Marvin spoke, not yelling, but stern. I was glad he kept his cool, and it also seemed to stop Jason's yelling, but I could still hear his choked sobs. God, poor kid.

"I did try, kiddo. I tried really hard. I even tried to back out of the project, but if I don't do it, I'll be fired. And that's not something any of us want, is it?"

I faintly heard Jason's small voice, "No..."

The rest was muffled once again, as they started talking lightly. However, they soon came out of the room; Marvin went to the kitchen, I presumed to make hot chocolate for Jason, and Jason sat down on the couch with me, pulling his knees to his chest and looking the other way.

"Hey, Jason," I said. He turned his head to me, but only slightly.

"Come here, bud," I patted the couch right next to me and opened my arms and he came, lunging right into my arms.

He cuddled up to me, burying his face in my shirt. Sometimes, it's easy to forget he's only twelve, but not at that moment. Never at that moment.

I rubbed his back and whispered, "You know your father loves you. He didn't chose to work the weekends, he was forced to. When he came home, he was so mad and upset. He didn't want to do that project; he wanted to be with you. I promise."

"But...couldn't he have done more?" he whispered back.

"Not without being fired for it, bud. You know that as well as I do."

Jason nodded, wiping his eyes, "I just...I'm going to miss him."

"I know, but don't sweat it. You can always call him while he's working, and he'll be here at night," I gave him the same talk as I gave Marvin.

Jason stared up at me for a moment, then down, and then he sighed, "Yeah...thanks, Whizzer."

"Never a problem," I kissed the top of his head. Yes, I know he's not my kid, but I always will show him as much affection as I can; if he needs me, he needs me.

We stayed cuddled for awhile until Marvin came back with hot chocolate for him and Jason and tea for me.

"Thanks, babe," I told Marvin, sipping the tea. Jason shifted upwards so he could hold his hot chocolate, and Marvin sat next to him with his own.

Jason, looking small and awkward, slightly leaned into his side while sipping his hot chocolate. Marvin wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Can we watch Back To The Future?" Jason asked.

I laughed; the kid was still such a nerd.

"Of course, kiddo," Marvin replied, smiling and rolling his eyes at me, "Why don't we get some pajamas first, though?"

Jason nodded, so we all set down our drinks and departed. I took pajamas out of my closet while Marvin picked up some old ones off of our bedroom floor.

"Hang up all your clothes, please," I teased him after I had gotten into my pajamas.

"Oh, hush," he smiled, putting them on. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek, "Come on, we have our son to get to."

"Our?" I asked him, smirking with a quizzical brow.

Marvin scoffed with a smile, "You are his stepfather, aren't you?"

I paused, realizing he wasn't joking. Jason was legally my stepson now, and Marvin wanted me to understand that—oh, I forgot to mention! We had just gotten married.

"I love you," I said sweetly, in a trance by him. How I let myself get so emotionally vulnerable, I have no idea.

"I love you, too, Whiz. Now come on."

When we got back to the couch, Marvin and I sat down with Jason in between us. I placed a blanket over us while Marv turned on the movie.

Jason giggled a lot throughout the movie, but I noticed that near the end, he stopped laughing. I looked down at him and he was sleeping. I smiled and kissed his head, then kissed Marvin over the top of his head.

I am so lucky to have my boys.

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