Breakfast Pt.2

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Thank you all for the sweet comments :) I've finally decided to update this book again, it's been around 8 months I think? Anyways, please enjoy!


The door abruptly slams open and Emelaigne bursts into the room panting. 

She must have forgotten the time and quickly rushed over. "I'm so sorry I'm late! I was reading and I forgot the time..." Emelaigne says sheepishly, as she slowly walks over to us. In the corner of my eye, I'm pretty sure Lucette is looking at her with disgust. 

I smile as she takes a seat next to me. "Good morning dear father, mother." Emelaigne grins as she turns to me. "Good morning to you too, Y/n!" Then she greets Rod, and lastly, Lucette. Emelaigne comments on how beautiful of a morning it is. However, as always, my sister doesn't reply. I smile awkwardly and turn to my father, King Genaro.

"Now that everyone is here, let us begin." He announces. Many butlers come through the kitchen doors and bring us our meals on the tray. Ophelia decides to ask Emelaigne a question.

"So Emelaigne, you were reading the fairytale books that the king brought you?" She asks, with a smile on her face. I carefully slice my french bread with whipped cream in half, and munch on it as I listen in to their conversation. 

"Oh yes! There are so many and they are all so wonderful!" My unbiological sister replies, turning to the king.

"Thank you so much, father!"  

The king just smiles and replies with "I am happy that you like them." 

Emelaigne goes on to say how she loved them, and I continue to eat my breakfast. While Emelaigne isn't looking, I take a quick peek at her plate. Scrambled seasoned eggs, with a few bacon strips, strawberry and blueberry crepes with whipped cream, sausages, and coffee in a beautiful cup. I decide to take one of the crepes and place it on my plate. Ophelia smiles and looks at Emelaigne.

"Dear...look at your plate." She says. Emelaigne is confused and looks at her food. She then realizes that one of her crepes is missing, and turns to my direction where I am munching on it. 

"Y/n!" Emelaigne shouts, trying to hide her smile. 

"I couldn't resist, Eme. I already finished my plate anyways." I said, pointing to my plate that once had different kinds of food. My mother and father laugh, as the atmosphere turns bright. 

Suddenly, Emelaigne spoke. "It's really strange how the library didn't have any of the Fairytale books. It was almost like they all disappeared or something." 

"That's because mother hated them. She had all the books burned." Lucette says, suddenly. The atmosphere shifts suddenly, as everything becomes silent. Emelaigne is clearly shocked, as she frowns and looks down. 

"But why? They're such charming stories-" 

"Fairytales mislead humans into believing they can have things they do not deserve." Lucette cuts her off. "Fame, riches, love. Happily ever afters..."

I look at my father, who seems the most affected by Lucette's words.

"And when their wishes do not come to fruition exactly as they want them to," My sister continues with a hard stare. "the humans blame the witches for granting them in the first place."   

I chew on my eggs quietly, as the atmosphere has become dark. The king coughs and looks at Lucette, 

"W-What are you implying about the witches, Lucette?" He says, his voice a bit shaken. 

Lucette returns the eye contact. "Perhaps witches are not responsible for the evil in this world. Perhaps humans are the cause of their own downfall." She says, in a grim tone.

I narrow my eyes, knowing that my sister would say that. My father suddenly becomes angry,

"Have you any idea what you are talking about, child?!" He says, trying to keep calm. "Witches have caused nothing but pain and suffering to this kingdom."

I look back and forth between my family members, the tension rising. 'What should I do? There's nothing I can really say in this situation...' I think, chewing on my lip. Rod just continues to stare at his food. Ophelia frowns and she looks at her husband. Emelaigne and King Genaro are shaken, and Lucette is as cold as ice.  

"How do you know the cursed are innocent?" My sister replies, not backing down. 

"Our people have been toiling day and night to rebuild Angielle after the great war," Father says with a serious look. Every day I wonder what your mother taught you about-" 

My eyes widen when the king mentions mother. I look at Lucette. 

She looks at her food and replies. "Leave mother out of this." 

King Genaro stares at her before Ophelia decides to step in. "Dear, please." She says, quietly. Ophelia then turns to Lucette.

"Lucette, darling, your father didn't mean to-" My sister stares at her with cold eyes. 

"I am not one of your children, Ophelia. I do not need your sympathy." My eyes widen for a second as I see Ophelia is visibiliy hurt. Finally, I decide to step in.

"Lucette, please calm down. Mother just wanted to help you." I say, trying to muster up a smile. Lucette then looks at me. 

"She is not my mother, Y/n."

Suddenly, my sister sets her fork down and stands up. She excuses herself and walks outside. I sigh and look at Ophelia. 

"Are you okay, mother?" I ask. She smiles sadly at me. 

"Yes. Thank you, Y/n-dear." Ophelia replies, as she takes my hands and squeezes them. 

"I'm sorry, Ophelia..." My father says. "Every day, she seems to get more distant and distant. I don't know what to do with that child." He says. 

"Father, it'll be alright," I say. He looks at me and smiles slightly. 

"Thank you, Y/n. I could not imagine not having you in this world." The king says softly to me. 

I finish the last of my drink and excuse myself, as I walk outside the dining room's doors.

I wonder where Lucette went. 

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